Chapter 2

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I ran away, as fast as my legs could take me. Passing roads without even looking to see if there were cars coming, and crossed grassy fields in almost no time, my feet just kept moving. I knew where I had to go, now it was just a meter of getting there.

Finally, I found the right place. I walked out to the end of the dock, and looked out at the clear blue water. Fluffy clouds reflected on it, with a bright blue sky behind it making the world seem almost like a fairytale. I love these days and being here makes the moment just that much better. But these memories were so few in a world of disappointment and pain. That's why I needed to leave it and everyone who calls this place home. I wanted to go to a better place, where I could be with my mother who cares about me. Complete opposite of my dad, I know, but that's probably why she's dead.

I sat down on the dock to think for a while just to try and remember the small amounts of good memories I had, most of which were in the early years of my life. When I tried to remember recent ones, I failed. Maybe Justin made a few memories, when he reminded me people cared. The only problem is, not enough people care to keep me here. He's the only one who does, and I'm probably just some charity case to him.

I had to get out of this place. There is only person here who has sympathy for me, and he's so far above me when it comes to social lives, that I know it's not going to go far.

The next thing I knew I was backing up, then running from the back of the dock to the front, gathering momentum, and jumping into the water. I floated slowly down, then let my breath out, and took a deep breath of water. I choked and gagged, but I knew it would kill me faster, so why should I continue to suffer when I could just let go of life right now. I wouldn't have to deal with all the suffering that sinful man who calls himself my father puts me through. I wouldn't have to let the pain out by making myself endure more pain.

I sank slowly to the the bottom, the pressure building up little by little, the cold turning to freezing. It started to crush me, not literally but it hurt so I took another deep breath, hoping it would all go away soon.

I never learned to swim. My mother tried to teach me when I was little, but died before I learned much. Besides, I was to young to even remember the small amounts she did teach me.

I opened my eyes to see the world getting smaller and smaller, darker, and then - a splash. The water was disrupted from its calm, coaxing job of pulling me farther under, as an undecipherable shape seemed to be swimming closer to me. Bubbles clouded the shape making me unable to see it, and my ability to see underwater even less useful. It probably wouldn't have helped. I can see, but not specific shapes, and probably not enough to recognize a person or animal of whatever was swimming towards me. The water cleared slightly around it? him? her? breaking the spherical forcefield. I closed my eyes, willing myself to go deeper and deeper, but without swimming, I knew I wasn't going to get very far very fast.

Then a rough hand grabbed mine, pulling me up, away from death. It pulled me out of the water, and I closed my eyes and let the tears roll down my face.

"Why didn't you let me die? I want to die!" I tried to yell, but it came out as a whisper. I opened my eyes revealing Justin.

He pulled me into his arms. "Trust me, you don't want to die. There are people out there who care about you," he said in a quiet, reassuring tone.

"I do. I want to die." I was sobbing by then, tears were soaking his sweatshirt. "Everyone hates me. You've seen it. And it's not just that-" I stopped abruptly, realizing I'd almost given too much up.

"What? What else is there?"

"I-I don't deserve to live." I cried into his shoulder.

"Shhh, you do. You deserve to live. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. No one." he hugged me tighter, and I squeaked as he pressed against my many bruises, scars and scratches. "What did I do?" he asked in a worried voice.

"Nothing. Nothing I'm fine. You just surprised me, that's all," I answered, only half lying. My voice was raspy and hard to understand as I coughed up water. He had surprised me, but that wasn't why I made the noise.

"Okay..." he said unsurely. He lifted my face up to his. "Oh my god Emily! What happened?" he asked, seeing the bruises and cuts.

"Umm... I, umm. I'm sorry," I say, running away. He catches up to me easily and brings me to his car. I go with him willingly, not having the strength to fight back. He sits me in the passenger seat, and I buckle myself in. After walking to the drivers side he gets in and drives off.

"Where are we going?" I ask after a while.

"Here," he says pulling into a driveway I assume is his. My thoughts are confirmed as he pulls out a house key and unlocks the door. He brings me to a room that looks like it would be his, and shuts the door.

"Take your sweatshirt off," he orders.

"But, I'm only-"

"I don't care, you can trust me," he said. I took my sweatshirt off revealing my bruised body, covered only partly with a bra. I feel extremely self conscious, what with my bruised, way-to-skinny body being almost completely revealed. I look down, embarrassed, but he doesn't seem to care about that.

"Emily. What happened? Be honest," he said, his voice commanding and sure. I don't know what to tell him. I can't say what actually happened, I know that, but I'm also really bad at coming up with a lie on the spot. Also, I would feel guilty, he's only trying to help.

I lie anyway, "I'm clumsy," I say weakly, almost positive he won't believe me. Maybe I'll make him annoyed that I won't tell him and he'll give up on trying to help me.

"You know I don't believe that for a second," he said, frowning at me. I want to put my sweatshirt back on, feeling his judgmental glare on me, but I can't find it. It must have fallen on the floor.

"Please don't look at me like that. I know I'm ugly," I say softly trying to get off the subject, but at the same time wanting him to stop thinking badly about me.

"Emily, you're not ugly, you just have scars littering your perfect body, and I know that I can stop that, but I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."

"I can't" I whimper, barely able to hold it in. I need to tell him, he had saved me, and the secret was pushing it's way out of me anyway, but I'm not sure I'll be able to face the consequences.


A/NSorry for the short update, I didn't know what else to say in this chapter. Next update will be soon. Don't forget to comment and vote. Ily guys😘😘

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