Chapter 14

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I heard heavy footsteps stomp to the only barrier keeping me safe from his wrath, and with a click, I was completely vulnerable.

There he stood, seething with anger, a large bottle of vodka clutched in his hand.

"Where the fuck have you been? Do you know how hard it was to get by without the money?" he yelled at me, his voice even more slurred than it had been before.

He grabbed me by the hair, and dragging me inside. The floor was littered with empty beer bottles and cans, along with jugs of vodka, tequila, rum, and any other kind of alcohol you can think of.

He chugged the rest of the vodka, grabbing an equally large bottle of tequila out of the refrigerator, and practically tore the cap off, inhaling it, without even wincing at the taste.

"So, here's what is going to happen," he stated, "you are going to do exactly what I say, or bad things happen."

He handed me a fake ID, "Go get alcohol. Any kind, as long as it's strong. Make sure to get a shitload of it."

"But what if I—"

I was interrupted by him slapping my across the face, "I don't give a fuck what happens to you, as long as I get my fucking alcohol!"

I whimpered, not used to the pain, and stumbled out the door, getting in his car, and driving to the nearest liquor store.

I walked through the aisles, picking up every strong alcohol I saw. As the salesperson rung it up, I kept a close eye on the cost. In the end, it left me with a few pennies of the emergency money Justin had sent me off with. I made a mental note to pay him back every cent.

When asked for my identification, I showed the man the fake, and he accepted it without a moments hesitation. They clearly only ask for it because it is required by law, all that really matters is that they get money.

I picked up the drinks, and lugged them to the car. Quickly, so as not to anger my father, I shoved them into the backseat, and drove home.

When I got there, I stepped out of the car, grabbing the bags, and walking to the doorstep, opening the door. There he was, fuming.

"How fucking long does it take to get some fucking drinks? You are so fucking useless, you little bitch!" He slapped my across the face after I set down the bags, a tear slipping from my eye.

"Now you're going to cry? When did you turn into such a little baby?" He punched me this time, in the same spot as the bruise that had been slowly healing.

Justin's coming soon. This will end soon. It was all I could do to stop myself from calling Justin or just running away. I knew that I had to find a way to make my father tell the police I was found, though, so I managed to endure the agony for the time being.

I had to put up with him punching, hitting, kicking, slapping, abusing me in any way you could think of, however I kept my mouth shut and tears in my eyes. I wouldn't let him see my pain, see how soft I had gotten, for that would lead to the question of where I had been treated so well, and I could not let him find out about Justin. 

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