Chapter 13

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When I woke up, it was past noon, and after a few seconds of confusion as to where I was — it happens every morning — I noticed Justin's side of the bed was empty. The realization also led me to hear the shower going in the distance, so I stumbled out of bed, and knocked on the door of the bathroom that was connected to Justin's room, and after I heard the muffled reply of "Come in," I opened the door, and followed his instructions.

"Hey, can you pass me that towel?" I heard Justin ask me, after the water was turned off barely five seconds after I wandered through the door. I moved my hand to grab the thick, fuzzy white towel hanging from the back of the door, and handed it through the crack he had made between the shower door and the wall. When he came out of the shower, his hair was dripping wet and hanging down so it covered the majority of his forehead.

"I need to change now, so unless you want to stay and enjoy the show..." Justin spoke. 

"No, I need to shower right now, actually," I replied, peeling off the bathrobe so I was left in my dark, lacy undergarments. I caught Justin licking his lips at the sight of my body, before I slipped into the shower, and closing the door.

Once the door was secure, I peeled off the remainder of my clothes, and cracking it open once more to throw them out onto the floor of the bathroom. Following this, I turned the water on so it was slightly too hot for my liking, knowing I would get used to it in a short amount of time. Then, I grabbed the shampoo, squeezing some of the gel-like formula onto my hand, and massaging it into my scalp. Once I had washed that out, I ran my conditioner-covered hands through my locks, and left it in for the time it took my to shave and wash my face, finally washing all of the suds off of my body at the same time, and turning off the shower when I was sure I had rinsed every last drop of soap off.

"Hey, Jay can you hand me a towel?" I requested.

"Jay... Hmm, I think I like it," his muffled, cocky voice answered, his hand slipping through a crack in the door to pass me another fluffy white towel.

"I'm glad," I smirked, however, knowing he couldn't see my face, I spoke in an equally cocky voice, all the while, toweling off my soaked body, then wrapping the material around myself.

When I stepped out of the shower, Justin was finishing brushing his teeth, now fully clothed in a pair of brightly colored shorts and a tight white t-shirt.

He finished quickly, then retreated from the bathroom so I could get changed into a new shirt, a plain maroon long sleeved t-shirt from Forever 21, and a pair of black leggings from PINK, with their logo lining the side on the outer seam of each leg. I threw my still slightly-wet hair up into a messy bun, and threw my underwear from the day before in the woven laundry basket in the corner of the room near the door.

I stepped through the sliding door into Justin's large room to find him splayed across the bed, scrolling through Twitter on his phone.

"Hey, baby," I said my voice perky and awake thanks to the relaxing, yet reviving shower I had taken.

"Hey," he replied, yawning slightly mid-word. Clearly he was still exhausted, and I couldn't help but feel bad, as it was my fault he'd had such a horrible night's sleep. "I texted my mom to ask her to make some more of the hot chocolate that you like so much," he said thoughtfully.

"Awe, thanks Jay, that was sweet," I replied, hopping onto bed with him, and snuggling up against his chest to watch what he was doing. He switched between Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, every other possible type of social media there is to have, and I eventually got bored, closing my eyes and laying my head in his chest, awake, but resting.

"Hey, babe, do you want to go downstairs for breakfast yet, maybe some of our secret hot cocoa?" he speculated, knowing I would give in from the warm chocolatey heaven he makes.

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