Chapter 10

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"Oh. My. GOD!" Jazmyn squealed, the sound getting closer to bursting my eardrum at every word, "You absolutely have to wear that tonight! It's gorgeous!"

It was stunning, I had to agree, but there weren't long sleeves and it wouldn't look good with tights. "I don't know. It's a little revealing don't you think?" It had taken me a lot of persuading to even step out of the dressing room, much less go on a date in it.

"No! Wear it you look amazing! Please? I'll literally do anything!" she begged me.

I looked in the mirror. It was a short dress, cutting off slightly above my mid-thigh. The color was champagne, and it had sparkly, silver, sheer lace detailing all over the top and sleeves, which stopped about three quarters of the way down my arm. The rest of the dress was solid, the shape was tight at the top, until the skirt flared out at the bottom. I had paired it — at Jazmyn's request — with some two inch heels in a pale nude color.

"Don't you think it'll be a little much, though?" I asked, not wanting to be overdressed.

"Trust me, it's not. Just wait until you see what Justin's planned!" She was so excited, and it just proved even more how much she cared for her brother.

"Okay," I gave in, comforted by the fact that I knew Justin wouldn't make fun of me.

She squealed, ushering me into the changing room so I could change into some everyday attire which was the original reason we came to the store.

I — no, Justin – ended up purchasing five long sleeved shirts, two short sleeved ones, three pairs of leggings, four pairs of jeans, and the dress. That was only at Forever 21.

"Ooh! Can we go to American Eagle next?" Justin's sixteen-year-old sister asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, not really caring. As I said before, I don't give a shit what I wear. If it makes Justin happy, though, I'll do it.

We went through the store slowly, every couple of steps Jazmyn threw another item in my arms for me to try on. After a while it got heavy, and I requested we move on to the dressing rooms.

I didn't bother looking at the prices as I tried things on, knowing it would only make me feel bad since Justin was paying for everything. Changing from one item to the next as fast as I possibly could, while stepping outside to show Jazmyn proved to be a challenge. She had a different reaction for everything. Some things she loved, while other things were monstrosities she couldn't even believed she bothered to pick up.

Finally we were through the second store, after two dressing room trips, and at least thirty minutes in the same store. There, I received five shirts, three of them being long sleeved, two pairs of jeans, and a cardigan.

"That will be $197.89," I hear the sales lady say.

My eyes widened. How did all of that cost so much? I couldn't let Justin pay for this, but as I tried to object, Jazmyn handed the lady two one hundred dollar bills. "Thank you, keep the change," she said, smiling, and took the bag and receipt before leaving with me.

"It's okay, he knows that it's kind of expensive, but he has the money. Justin offered to pay for this, remember?" Jazmyn kindly reminded me, reading my mind. "Let's go to Victoria's Secret, alright? And this time, I'll go up to the register alone so you don't have to hear the price."

I agreed, and we entered the lingerie shop. There, I bought nine bras, two sports bras, ten pairs of panties (much too scandalous for my taste, but I wasn't paying, so I didn't complain), three shirts, two pairs of black leggings, two pairs of leggings with a stripe going down the side, saying PINK, a maroon and gray sweatshirt, a pair of black-and-white sweatpants with their signature dog in the upper left corner, and two pairs of pajamas.

I left the store while Jazmyn paid, and headed to Sephora. I looked around until Jazmyn caught up with me, where she matched me up with a color for foundation and concealer. Then she picked out the best ones: Urban Decay's Naked Face for the foundation and concealer, the Too Faced chocolate bar for some eyeshadow. To add to that, I got some mascara from Urban Decay, and an Anastasia eyebrow pencil and brow gel. She also picked up some bronzer, eyeliner, blush, and highlighter, from various pricey brands. The last thing she picked up for me was some NARS lipstick for my date tonight. She wanted me to get more makeup, but I refused, telling her I wouldn't use it, anyway.

Again, I left the store so she could pay without me feeling even more guilty than I already was. After wandering around for some time, we stopped at Icing to get my first and second piercings done, with a diamond stud in each perforation. I looked in the mirror when it was finished, and it looked perfect, save for the redness that I was informed would fade after a short while.

Once my ears were pierced, we left the store, shopping bags in hand, and headed to the food court. There, we went to Panda Express where we got sodas, orange chicken on fried rice, and spring rolls. After waiting in line for what felt like forever, we made it to the front, placed our order, and checked out. Once that was finished, we sat down at a table and ate the delicacies. 

After our not-so-quick pause to eat, we were back at it. The last two stops we made were PacSun and Payless, where I bought, in total, four shirts, three pairs of jeans, and two pairs of shoes.

Finally, we were out of the mall, and heading home. However, I could only imagine the horrors that would await me there. I had agreed to let Jazmyn help me get ready... Need I say more? She chatted about how excited she was, and I couldn't help but agree with her. I was going on a date with Justin Bieber. The gorgeous, kind, special, caring, popular, gentle, and just, well, perfect Justin Bieber. I could hardly wait!

When we made it home I was sat down, told we had barely any time to get ready (about 3 hours). My light brown hair was curled to perfection, not a strand out of place. My makeup was powdered on, a light champagne on the eyes, with a dark brown in the crease, a small black eyeliner wing peeked out from behind my long, black eyelashes, and my skin was absolutely flawless. To add to that I had a gorgeous nude lip, and perfectly, yet painfully, plucked and filled in eyebrows. She had even saved the time to do my nails in a french manicure, which were good enough to be done professionally. Though I hate complimenting myself, I must admit, I looked gorgeous.

By the time she was done, however, I barely had any time left before our date, which was planned for 5:30, but I assumed he would be here slightly sooner. It was already 5:15, so I didn't have much time. Quickly I went into Justin's bathroom to changed into the dress and slipped on the heels, examining myself in the mirror above the sink. Happy with my appearance, I stepped out for Jazmyn's examination. 

She stood there, speechless for a moment, before squealing, and running up to me to give me a hug.

"You look so pretty!" she said happily, "Oh, and Justin is waiting for you downstairs."

Taking a deep breath, I thanked her, and stepped out the door and down the stairs to see Justin. Each step got me more and more nervous. There seemed to be something new that was wrong with my appearance with each step I took.

But when I stepped into the kitchen, all my worries disappeared.


A/N: AHHHHHH I hope you liked it! I promise I'll update really soon.. sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger! Please vote and comment if you liked it, and tell your friends about it! Love you!


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