Chapter 19

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As my body raced down the hallway, similar movements took place in my mind. Every thought that ran through my head at this moment in time was based around Justin. Just when I thought I couldn't think of anything worse happening to him than I had previously come up with, another horribly irrational thought came to mind.

When I finally reached his room, I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as I stood outside his door in order to brace myself for what would come next. I turned the corner so the doorframe was no longer blocking my sight.

What I saw in front of me made my breath hitch in my throat, causing tears to spring to my eyes and trickle down my face. He was in bed, sitting up and beaming at me. His eyes were weak however, you could see the happiness sparkling in them; his skin pasty and his lips almost white, but he was alive and awake. I ran over to him, practically strangling him in a hug.

"You're okay!" I said, the tears now a salty waterfall streaming down my face. "I-I was s-so worried. I th-thought you m-might not wake up." I said, my body shuddering between sobs until I finally broke down, collapsing into his arms.

"It's okay. I'm here now. I'm here for you. It's okay." He repeated the final two words over and over until the frantic beeping on my machine slowed down, and he waved the concerned nurse at his door away. I hadn't noticed either in lieu of my breakdown, though I had noticed his dominance over them despite being in such a submissive position.

"I missed you, Em. How have you been?" he asked, smiling down at me from where I now lay with my head on his lap.

Well, lets see; I've been thinking about you; worrying about you; waiting for you to wake up so I can finally talk to you again; finally feel your soft, full lips crash against mine once more. "I've been fine. The therapy is a bit over-the-top, but other than that, I've just been hoping you would wake up so there would finally be something--or someone interesting in this hospital," I laughed as if it were a joke, but one-hundred per cent wasn't. The hospital is by far the most boring place in the world. "But how are you?" I asked, attempting to take the attention off of my awkward fake laugh.

"Considering I've been unconscious, I feel pretty damn good. I'm just glad to be awake and talking to my baby," he smiled again, leaning over to kiss me on the lips. I honestly felt as if I were in a fairytale -- minus the whole in-a-hospital-because-of-my-crazy-abusive-father thing. His soft, full lips pressed against mine and, finally getting what I had been waiting all this time, I put my right hand behind his neck so as to pull him impossibly closer to me, while my left hand grabbed at his soft brown hair running my fingers through it, grabbing fistfuls of it to push him infinitely closer against my body. By now I was sitting on his lap rather than laying, and my legs were wrapped tightly around his waist. I closed my eyes, enveloping everything. He pushed his tongue into my mouth, tangling it with mine, sucking on my lip before finally releasing me to catch my breath. He kissed my cheek, forehead, temple, nose, ear, every piece of my face was covered in a peck from his lips. Finally, when I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed his head again, and pulled it back to my lips, sucking on the edge of it before releasing it with a soft bite. His lips pressed against mine, want and passionate, yet gentle at the same time, as if he feared he would injure me.

Then, suddenly, he pulled back, looking past me towards the door. "Can I help you?" he asked as politely as possible, though you could see he was pissed about being interrupted.

"I'm sorry, but we have to take both of your counts. Also, Emily it's time for you to eat lunch. Your morning counts showed low blood sugar. You need to eat enough for you to gain weight to a healthy amount or we'll be forced to put you on a neurogastric tube," she replied lengthily.

"Can you bring it up to Justin's room?" I requested hopefully.

"Hon', Justin just woke up from a coma. I'm sure he wants to have some rest, and if not, then I'm sorry, but I am not requesting this: you need to go back to your room to get your counts taken and eat some lunch. Maybe later in the day you can come see him again, alright?" she replied to me, her voice dripping with sugar.

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