Chapter 15

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"Hey hun, you up?" I heard a nurse hovering over me say kindly, as a hospital room slowly came into focus.

The walls were a bare almost-white beige with the only thing adorning it a thin line of cork board stretching around the entire perimeter of the room.

I grunted in reply, unable to form my parched lips into words quite yet. Slowly, I sat up as she checked my vitals. Once she had finished, I grabbed the water bottle that someone had left on the table next to the bed I was in.

I drained the whole bottle within a short amount of time, wetting my lips, so I was able to speak. The first words I uttered were, "Is Justin okay? Where is he? Can I see him?"

"Whoa, whoa, honey. Your boyfriend is stable and in his own room in the other wing. You can see him later today, but at the moment you just need to rest.

"I've fucking been resting for however long I've been passed out," I snapped, then softening the tone, "as much as I thank you for taking care of me, and most of all for helping Justin, you need to let me see him."

"Sweetheart, I would love to, but Justin isn't even awake yet. Just give him a couple more hours, then you can see him, alright?" the lady asked kindly, nonresponsive to the tone I had just thrown at her.

"But I—"

"I'm not negotiating with you, okay sweetie? I've been nice to you, but your boyfriend is not fit for company at the moment," she said, more stern this time. I decided not to argue, slouching back onto the bed, and reaching for the remote to turn on the TV.

SpongeBob came on, so I set my head back on the uncomfortably smooth hospital pillows, and rested my eyes, cartoons playing in the background so I wouldn't fall asleep, in case there was any news about Justin.

I dozed in and out of consciousness for most of the day, and every time the nurse came in, I would shoot up, pestering bet with questions about Justin. Honestly, I feel bad for her, having to put up with me, but I can't help how worried I am. From what I know, however small that portion is, "not fit for visitors" usually isn't a good sign.

Finally, just passing 7 o'clock that night, I was permitted to see him.

"Only," they mandated, "if you eat something first. You are extremely underweight. Did you do this on purpose?"

"No! God, no I wouldn't do that. My father just never gave me enough to eat," I replied hurriedly.

"Is this the same person that put your boyfriend into his current condition?" They inquired.

"Yes," I replied dully.

"Alright, well you're going to need to eat a lot while we're here. 5 meals a day, you'll have a menu you can choose from, or, if you're feeling up to it, you can walk down to the cafeteria."

"I think I can go down to the cafeteria today?" I requested hopefully.

"How about you wait until tomorrow morning. We can bring you a menu, and if you choose quickly, it will come faster than if you went down to the cafeteria. I'm guessing that is what you want?" she suggested to me.

"Of course, yeah," I replied hurriedly, shortly before she rushed to the nurse's station to retrieve a menu for me.

I circled a few items that didn't look completely nauseating— fruit and yogurt, a bowl white rice, and a bag of chips. I know, weird combination, right? My nurse tried to get me to eat a few more things, but I said I was fine, and promised to have a high-calorie protein shake in the morning, for the sole purpose of being discharged so I could go home and eat my own food.

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