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Sam's POV

"What just happened?" I ask Corey.
"I don't know man." He said with a hint of fear in his voice. I could tell he was shaken up by the events that just occurred.
"Hey man. We're ok." I said, a hint of fear in my voice, also.
"I know." He said, though I could tell he still wasn't so sure. We pulled up to the hospital and Jake got in the backseat. They gave him a boot and crutches. "Damn that was crazy." Jake said. I let out a chuckle while Corey said "You barely saw anything. You have no room to talk."

Jake: "Chill man it was just a joke."

Corey: "A bad one. It wasn't even funny."

Jake: "Sam seemed to think it was hilarious."

Corey: "We'll I didn't so shut it."

Jake: "You shut it, asshole."

"THATS ENOUGH." I said, slamming my fist on the dashboard. Jake and Corey both fliched back. They were a little surprised cause I hardly ever get mad like that. "Sorry." Jake said quietly. The rest of the drive home, an awkward silence lingered in the air. Everything and everyone was so tense. Who was that man?

Colby's POV

"Care to tell me what that was?" I said to Echo as we took off back home from the hospital.
"What?" She said, confusion plastered onto her face. "You passing out on the random like that. I know you do that sometimes but that time it was different. Something was off. What was it?" I ask.
"I don't know. I started to feel really dizzy which is normal but this time it lasted a lot longer. It just didn't stop. Then next thing I know I'm laying in your arms on the side of the highway." She said calmly. "Huh. Weird. U sure your ok tho?" I ask her. "Yeah I'm fine. I promise." She said with a smile.

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