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Echo's POV

When I woke up in the morning I felt sick. The nightmare I had replaying in my mind over and over. Colby was sound asleep next to me. I tried to sit up but when I did a sharp pain filled my stomach. I yelled out in pain and fell back down, clenching my stomach. "What's wrong?" Colby asked, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. I couldn't answer cause I was afraid if I opened my mouth I would throw up. "Echo?" Colby asked. I still didn't answer. I just looked at him. He had worry written all over his face. "Bathroom." Was all I managed to choke out without throwing up. He got the hint and quickly picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. He sat me down by the toilet. He held my hair and rubbed my back while I threw up. He then grabbed a hair tye and braided my hair while I sat by the toilet. "I love you." I said, my voice sore from throwing up. "I love you, too. So much." He said while finishing the braid. I tried to stand but the sharp pain filled my stomach again, causing me to collapse back onto the floor. "Shh hey it's ok. It's ok." He comforted while picking me up and carrying me back to the bed. He sat me down and laid down next to me. He rubbed my stomach which made it feel so much better. I love him... I thought to myself. After about an hour, I was able to stand and walk without collapsing. Me and Colby decided to head downstairs but halfway down, I got a familiar feeling in my head. "Colby." I said. "Yes love?" He said gently. "COLBY." I said loudly while gripping onto the railing, my vision going blurry. "Oh shit." I heard him say before everything went black.

Colby's POV

"Colby." I heard Echo say.
"Yes love?" I knew she wasn't feeling good and I thought maybe she was gonna throw up again.
"COLBY." She said loudly, latching her hand tightly onto the railing. That was when I realized she was about to pass out. "Oh shit." I said, gripping onto her so she wouldn't fall down the stairs. I sat down on the stairs and pulled her lifeless body into mine. While I was waiting for her to wake up, Sam walked out of his room. He looked over and said "Uuh... Colby?" "What?" I said looking over to him. "Is that normal?" He asked worriedly, pointing towards Echo. "Huh?" I asked looking down at her. "OH SHIT" I yelled. She was bleed out out both her nostrils. I picked her up and ran down the stairs as fast as I could. I laid her down on the couch and propped her head up with a pillow. Sam followed after me and grabbed a few tissues. As I put them up to her nose, the blood quickly filled them up to where they were dripping blood all over the couch and floor. "We need to take her to a hospital." Sam said. I silently agreed while picking her up. "Go grab a towel." I said firmly to Sam. He grabbed a white towel. I would have complained but right now I was to focused on Echo to worry about his stupidity. "I'm sorry it's the first one I found." Sam said. "It's fine." I say while throwing his keys to him. I throw open the door and run towards Sam's car. I got in the backseat and layed Echo down next to me, her head propped up on my lap.

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