iPad instant

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This is a new story I should definitely not be writing since I am writing too many and have a busy busy life at the moment but oh we'll.

Due to my busy life and the fact I'm writing a lot this story is only going to be a short story.

Also most of this story will be the iPad messages there will only be the beginning and the end of each chapter in proper world, maybe not even that.



I was in the school library swinging on my chair being slowly tortured by boredom. My biology homework was staring me in the face but I couldn't bring my self to even read the first question I knew I wouldn't be able to answer it anyway. Looking around I saw the tall stack of iPads on the trolley, hmm maybe they could help me get through this torturous free period.

I jumped up nearly tripping over my swinging chair in the process and walked over to the librarian. I didn't know her name so I just picked up an iPad and walked away.

"You have to sign for it dear." The woman said, sighing I quickly turned around and signed. What's the point of singing for it I'm going to be sitting at a table a few metres away.

Once it was turned on and I was seated comfortably I had a quick check to see if it had any cool apps, surprise surprise the school iPad only had educational ones. Well that's a damper on my mood. I was just about to click safari when I noticed a little one in a red circle next to the message icon. What can I say curiosity killed the cat.

Borednahellhole@jhs.org: I don't think I've ever been so bored in my life. 10:34

Well they were from our school. I knew this since they had the jhs, it stands for Johnson high school. Whoever created that email account must have created one on here since they have this email address. Looking at the clock I saw I was only 10:38 so I decided there was no harm in replying.

Me: tell me about it.

I went straight onto safari then to begin my work until I saw they replied.

Them: wow, someone's actually going to reply?

Me: unless I'm no one then you just officially became the new Sherlock Holmes.

Them: funny too huh, awesome.

Me: I also see you have very strong vocabulary, dude.

Knowing my luck I was talking to a meat head.

Them: hey! You don't even know who I am so lay off yeah?

Me: thankfully.

Them: wait you don't even want to know who I am?

Me: not really, wouldn't that ruin the fun?

Them: I guess so, just tell me if your a girl or a boy.

Me: I'm a girl.

Them: great so I could get laid out of this?

Me: go figure your a guy and you are joking right?

Them: ....yes.

Me: fantastic.

Them: give me something I can call you like a letter or something?

Me: want my phone number while your at it?

Them: yeah that'd be great!

Me: sarcasm.

Them: great I have a girl with humour.

Me: f.

Them: is that a polite way of you swearing at me?

Me: no it's the letter you can call me,idiot.

Them: oh you can call me r then.

Me: why are we bothering with this again, it's not like we're going to ever talk again?

R: optimism is a great thing f , maybe you should try it sometime.

Me: seriously though the odds of us using the same iPads again are highly remote.

R: there's a number on the back on your iPad , remember it and chose it next time, the we can continue our blossoming romance.

Me: asshole.

R: touchy.

I jumped as the bell rang.

Me: see you another day r, or hopeful not.

R: no need to be rude.

iPad instantTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang