Chapter 11)

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Just because I'd agreed to get to know Ronny didn't mean I couldn't avoid him, right? I was scared of what people would think and why he was still interested.

Even after his big speech I don't think anyone could blame me for being wary. This guy had made me feel so small most of my life and I didn't know if I could trust him. I shouldn't trust him I know that but everyone deserves another chance in my eyes. That rule applies for everyone no matter what they have done.

"Why are you running away from him?" Emily said. I wasn't literally running, but I was dragging Emily by her arm down the corridor and walking at a high speed.

"He keeps trying to talk to me." I mumbled.

"Isn't that the point if you're becoming friends?" She giggled.

"Since when did anyone organise becoming friends anyway Em?" I rolled my eyes, which seemed to be a new habit of mine.

"That's a good point but Faye, give the guy a chance will you. And while you're at it let go of my sodding arm that hurts." Emily whined. I let go and sat down at the lunch table. The table that was furthest away from Ronny's. "This is getting ridiculous." She sighed.

"Sorry I had to drag you into this Em it's just- ahh." I screamed and jumped out of my seat.

"Chill Faye, it's only me." I heard the smooth voice say. I'd felt his body on my back and it had shocked me.

"What do you want Ronald?" I had no clue why I used his birth name but I knew instantly I shouldn't have. His body was still pressed against mine and I felt it tense.

"What did you just call me?" His voice was menacing and utterly terrifying. I gulped and cast a worried glance at Emily who was stifling a laugh.

"Um... Ronny, I called you Ronny." My voice was shaking and my back was getting uncomfortably warm.

"Liar." He snickered and swung his legs onto the bench. I breathed a sigh of relief when I realised when he was joking.

"You really are a jerk." I glared at Ronny then smiled. I had to make an effort at least.

"Yeah yeah I know. So what I was thinking is because we are you know getting together-" I scoffed and he cut off.

"We aren't hooking up, I'm pretty sure I made that clear."

"Jeez Fairy maybe if you let me talk. I didn't mean like that, I just meant friends. So as I was saying you could come to mine tonight if you want, I need help with maths. I'd be grateful for the friend and tutor?" I rolled my eyes but nodded anyway.

"Why not? I've already started on the path towards being a complete rebel." I smirked and he smiled back, a sincere smile.

"Very true Faye. I'll see you later, the main door?" I nodded again as he stood up and he leaned over to ruffle my hair. I groaned and moved away but I was still laughing. When he was gone Emily looked at me and winked.

"So you aren't even friends yet? Ha, you'll be in his bed by the end of the week if this continues." I shook my head and started on my food. I doubted that we would ever get close like that, we'd never even kiss. He wouldn't go for me in that context. Fair enough he might be willing to be my friend but he'd never go that far. "Bet you £50 you'll be banging in six months." She laughed.

I reached out my hand and punched her side. "Bloody hell." She groaned.

The day continued to drag on and on.

By the time the day was over I was drained and certainly not looking forward to spending time with Ronny.

"Do I have to go Em?" I whined dragging my feet along the floor in a last minute attempt to waste time.

"Girl chill. I know you're tired and all but this could be good?" It sounded like a question and her voice rose near the end showing she didn't even believe what she was saying. "Everyone knows Ronny is care free and stuff so it might be fun and you'll have a chance to relax?" She smiled.

I looked at my best friend and shrugged while pulling a face that said it couldn't hurt.

Ronny wasn't at the front door like he said but I wasn't that shocked. I guessed he would forget or stand me up. I wasn't going to bother to ask which it was, I didn't need to know. What I did now know was Ronny wasn't worth my time or effort.

I waited seven minutes just to make sure that he wasn't just late then started my walk home. I couldn't deny I was upset. I thought he'd be able to try for at least a little while. But no, I mustn't be good enough. As suspected of course.

I was outside the local pub when I heard shouting, and I sighed and turned to look at the guy with a foghorn for a voice box.

"What's you're excuse? Be warned I have high expectations for this." I put on a angry face which wasn't hard to do.

"I was kept behind, my maths teacher wasn't pleased with my work. That's why I invited you over remember? I'm shit at maths." He had good puppy eyes I could give him that.

"Language Ronny!" I scowled.

"You know it's really hot when you say my name like that." Ronny stepped forward and reached to grab my waist. I screeched in frustration and moved back. "That was really hot too." He smirked.

"You're unbelievable!" I turned and began walking home again. So Ronny thought it was fine to turn up late and then proceed onto sexually harassing me.

"Please Faye I need the help. I'm begging you." I shook my head and stopped and he walked into my back. That boy must have a thing for leaning against my back.

"Technically-" I paused moving away from him. "You're not begging, you're just saying that you're begging." I folded my arms and watched as he looked around. A smiled formed on his face and he got to the ground. "Please tell me you aren't being this petty." I sighed.

He continued to grab one of my hands which he had to pry away from my crossed arm form. I noticed a few people casting weird glances as he looked up at me. I was no idiot, I knew the blood in my cheeks was egging him on.

"Faye, my cute little Fairy." Somehow more blood managed to rush into my cheeks as members of the public began to stop and whisper. "Please, please, please with a cherry on top forgive me. I didn't mean to be late and I need all the help I can get with my homework. Otherwise I'll fail, never get a job and then I'll never be able to support the family you and I will have and you'll cheat on me then leave me. Please, I need you Faye." A few people who were watching looked at me with expectancy in their eyes, this was probably making their day.

"For goodness sake will you get up." I yanked my arm from his grasp and a few people around me gasped. Jesus people it wasn't a soap opera.

"No, not until you promise to help. I'll sleep here and stay here all day and night. Please Fairy." I growled. He would never give up.

"Fine." I huffed. I started walking away again while Ronny dusted off his trousers and followed.

"You know sweet cheeks, my house is the other way." He whispered in my ear. I stumbled over his foot when turning to the street his was pointing at. He looked rather amused as he caught my arm. "Fairy isn't so light on her feet."

This was going to be a long night.

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