Chapter 3

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For a month now R and I have been talking using the school iPads and we still don't know who each other are. But I personally think that is the best decision for now. If he was, as I suspected, a popular sporty guy then I knew he probably wouldn't want anything to do with me from now on. But if he was a nerdy boy who was nothing like he acted with me then I don't know how I would feel about that.

W talk once or twice a week and he's still as perverted and cocky as ever. I have a confession but I'd never tell him, I do secretly look forward to our chats even if they are short and annoying. It gives me something to think about, something positive.

R did want to know who I was though but I still wasn't sure.

Today I was in the library to do my English essay. It was boring and long and I wanted to die. S my simple solution, talk to R to take my mind off it.

R: hey fairy.

He sometimes called me that when he was sick of saying F.

F: hey R.

R: doing anything good?

F: depends on whether you count a 1000 words English essay as 'good'.

R: no, not really.

F: how about you, what are you doing?

R: trying to work my way through maths equations. Such fun.

F: is it sad that I'm jealous of your homework?

R: haha, yes very very very sad. You should be put into a mental institution.

F: don't be mean to me:(.

R: sorry, did I get carried away?

F: yes you did.

R: so how's life anything interesting happen?

F: I'm seriously considering the fact that your becoming my own personal stalker. Is my theory correct?

R: you know I be nice to you and try and take an interest then you shoot me down. I take it my chances of getting laid and still extremely low.

F: no matter how many times you ask it's going to be a no. And to answer you question, my brother leaves on Friday and my mum has already left.

R: why did she leave?

F: I don't think she could handle the farewell.

R: buts he's going to Afghanistan, this could be very important.

F: what you mean to say is 'this could be her last chance to see him alive'. Thanks for that one, ver comforting R.

R: no, that's not what I meant. I meant that he's going to a very scary place and needs all the support he can get, trust me I know.

F: sorry I keep forgetting about your brother.

R: it's fine.

F: it's not though, he served our country and died doing it. What if that happens to Curtis?

R: what happened to my brother was an accident, one in thousands. The chances of the same happen to your brother is the same amount as me getting in your knickers.

F: what if I say I want you to.

R: really, I can get in them?

F: no, jerk.

R: that was one mean joke there fairy.

F: maybe you shouldn't be driven by your hormones and use your brain every once and a while.

R: I'm teenage boy, what can I say?

F: how old are you?

R: 17 what about you F?

F: 16.

R: so what can we talk about now?

F: nothing I kind of have to write this essay unless I want to be forever doomed to hell.

R: well we wouldn't want that, now would we?

F: nope:). Bye.

R: bye.

"Hello English." I mumbled to my self shutting down my distraction.



Next chapter will be up soon since I can't stop writing this one and if I get more reads I might update even more!

Ta ta for now:D

Georgia x

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