Chapter 2)

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It was a week since I had spoke to R and I can't say I've missed him one little bit. I had another free period and once again found myself in the library attempting to do biology homework.

Biology was my worst subject by far and I practically didn't understand one word. Like that saying everything went in one ear and out the other.

There was a few kids like me, sitting there doing nothing with their time. But one or two had iPads to help with their work. I looked around again and noticed more and more pupils picking up iPads and signing for them.

So maybe the temptation overtook me. Sighing I stood up thumping my hands on the desk which earned a few stares.

After signing for it I checked the iPads and picked up my lucky number 9. The same one I had last time. I guess I was wondering whether he would reply again.

The messages button had no little one in a red dot so I decided to try my luck and see if he would reply.

Me: you there R?

I suppose I honestly didn't expect him to reply at least not straight away, so you can probably imagine my surprise when I had a message within a minute.

R: of course I am F.

F: well actually the chance of you being on here was pretty small.

R: but you couldn't resist trying to talk to me anyway?

F: yep that's it.

R: my awesomeness has just reached a new unknown level.

F: remind me why you're still talking to me?

R: I'm not talking I'm typing, there is a difference.

F: oh yeah that's right its because your an annoying twat.

R: no need for negative language F.

F: no need to be so cocky R.

R: can I ask something?

F: you just did sherlock.

R: funny.

F: shoot.

R: are you hot?

F: oh my god. Are you being serious?

R: yes actually 100%. Well?

F: you might find out for yourself one day.

R: really? I thought you didn't want to know who I am?

F: not yet but maybe in the future I will.

R: yes! So I'm still in with a chance of getting laid.

F: your such a boy.

R: I'll take that as a compliment.

F: it wasn't meant as one.

R: don't ruin my joyfulness.

F: I wouldn't even think of trying.

R: good.

F: well....

R: I bet your hot you know.

F: that's it I'm leaving, good ridance.

R: no please stay.

R: I need you.

R: I cannot live without you but I will not destroy your soul!

F: did you seriously just quote twilight?

R: yes, you replied! And did I? Huh I didn't know that, stephenie meyer watch your back!

F: well I'm actually leaving now since I have biology work to do and your just a pain in my bum.

R: I could be officially a pain in your bum if you let me get laid.

F: not unless we have gay sex genius, oh are you gay!

R: great we have a comedian.

F: I do try, goodbye.

R: cya later alligator.

I turned off my iPad and placed it back on the trolley. Well there's another free period wasted thanks to that useless thing.



Let me know what you think and tell your friends:)

Georgia x

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