Chapter 8)

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Walking through the cool corridors I couldn't deny I was analysing every guy I saw, after all it was Monday and I was getting incredibly nervous about what would happen in a few hours time. Normally I wouldn't bother about meeting up with someone, but when I don't know who this person is it's a whole new thing. That's not right though and I know it isn't, I do know who he is. Sort of. He's R and we've got along great these last few months. But I don't know him physically. Even if that does sound inappropriate it's true.

I had made a mental list of everything I knew about R. His name began with an R or that was a good assumption, he was 17 therefore in my year group which helped because I knew everyone in my year. He had brown eyes, sandy blonde hair and a Greek complexion.

In the corridor was a lot of my schoolmates, many of them could be R. To my right leaning against the wall was a guy named Rhys, I didn't know him well but he fit the description perfectly, except for the Greek complexion.

I saw three other boys, Ryan, Roy and Richard who could all also be R. But I had no clue, none of them looked remotely anxious or excited.

As I exited the door I felt someone shove me from behind, it wasn't a shove really just as though they had fallen into me. The bad thing was I was now falling, quickly I may add, towards the ground. Some tanned arms reached out and stopped me and steadied my body.

"Watch it Ronny." Ronny Stevens, badass and mean guy. Personal bully to ones truly. How could I not have questioned this one before? He fit the whole description down to his hot tan, deep brown eyes and sandy blonde hair. Besides he was cocky and a player, just like R.

"You always have to stick up for the underdog don't you Ross?" Was this some form of prank I wasn't aware of? Ross was in a few of my lessons at school, popular, good looking guy, the difference was he doesn't have a mean bone in his body. Physically they may seem the same, Ross and Ronny, but mentally they were opposites.

I looked up eventually into the argument I had created.

"It's fine guys, I have to go anyway. Don't argue over me." I blushed slightly, which embarrassed me even more.

"Shut up Faye the Faggot." Ronny growled. Not literally of course that'd be weird.

"Leave her alone man, she's done nothing to you!" Ross growled back. I stepped away trying to forget about everything. What if one of these boys was R? Why couldn't it be nerdy little Roy?

"What you gonna do about it Rossy?" Ronny was trying to wind him up and we all could see that. I sighed and inhaled deeply, this was not the time for an asthma attack, I needed to end this. As Ross spoke I interrupted.

"Nothing, that's what because there's no need. Let's all just go our separate ways." Ross nodded but Ronny just glared at me. He moved his face closer to mine.

"I'll let you off cutie but if you think I'll always do as you ask your wrong." He said in a less menacing voice than I was expecting and stormed off into his car.

On second thoughts, I need my inhaler.



I know it's short but Emily made me! At least it's an update? So who do you think it is and who do you want it to be?

Georgia xx

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