Dead Girls (Boys) 🎈🪷❤️‍🩹

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So- this is only kinda hard to explain- It's kinda based off of a fanfic I read called 'GHOST BOY' written by COSMOWAVE
Also, this is adults. And PENNYWISE isn't a weird clown he's just a murder and he did actually die but he promised his son would come continue his legacy 27 years later. Oh, and Eddie died in the car crash not murdered.

Tw: Mention of death and the government failing minorities


"This book is dedicated to the Losers"

"I, your name, do solemnly swear, not to off myself, think about offing myself or continue thinking about offing myself without reaching out for help after reading this book." Bill knew he had to write a book about the two dead Losers. "Some times I see them on the sidewalk, biking on the wet chalk. Spelling out their names, and I feel insane. 'Cause I know it's just a game that I'm playing with my brain. I don't see him, but I see him, And I know it isn't real, but I fake it anyway. Pull a smile and wave, nod and look away. Wait for it to fade, but it happens all the time."

Bill knew he sounded insane, but it was probably apart of the grieving process.

"People say it's fine, my friend says they're killing us. But we're killing ourselves, I'm surrounded by dead boys on the road.
Dead boys on my phone, dead boys, where do they go? All of the fucking dead boys all around. Dead boys in my town, dead boys, I know. Dead boys, where do they go? And it'd be wrong to say I miss them, I don't really remember them. I just have a couple friends who say we knew them well. They seem like something special, really, don't they all? I guess before you're gone, it can be kinda hard to tell."

Everyone was special, really. We all have something that makes us special. They were special too, from what I remember at least.

"She broke the fucking news, was it her's to break? She cried, but I was empty? I think that's what it was. I don't think it was her's to say. There's dead kids on the road, dead kids in my phone. Dead kids, where do they go? I wanna be a dead kid, wow. Dead kids, home again. Dead kids, I don't know... You like 'em better dead, better dead. Just say you want it like that. You like me better dead, better dead."

WHY WAS THIS BECOMING POLITICAL??? Bill had no clue really, it just felt right to call out the system. He should really have more LGBTQ+ characters in his books.

"Gun against your head, you like them dead. And if all you ever see are dead kids. If all you hear is terrible news then maybe it's not all about the dead kids. Maybe it's more about you, the living need attention too."


"Dead kids all the time. Dead kids in our primes. Dead kids, where do they go? I wanna be a dead kid, like the rest. Dead kids are the best. That's why we're on every show! You like 'em better dead, better dead. Just say you want it like that. You like me better dead, better dead. Gun against your head, you like them dead."

Bill sighed, that should probably be explained.

"I wish I remembered them, I really do. But you're probably wondering why it became so... political. Well, I think the system failed us, the Losers Club. We were all apart of a different minority, in 1989. The police never did anything to help us, even tough we were bullied right in front of them."

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