Talk Show 🎈🪷❤️

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Here's the Interviewer!!! ^
I don't know okay- but in this PENNYWISE is just a weird murder but kinda just a crazy guy who kills kids. He also did actually die in the fist movie but the second one did happen. Instead of it being PENNYWISE it's actually his son. Also Eddie and Stan didn't die so, ya. ENJOY!!


"Everyone welcome William Denbrough, an award winning author." The host smiled from her chair. Bill walked in from the back stage area onto the stage. He waved as everyone in the live audience cheered. "Welcome! How are you doing today?" She smiled as he made his way to the open chair. "I'm doing pretty good, you?" He smiled back. "I'm doing alright, thank you. Well, go ahead and introduce yourself." She smiled. "Hi, my name is William 'Bill' Denbrough. And I am a horror writer who sucks at writing endings." He smiled, the audience laughed. "Oh, and thank you for having me on Rowan." He smiled, picking up the coffee cup next to him.

"Oh! Why thank you for coming on. So, I have a few questions to ask. If you don't want to answer any of them just tell me!" She smiled, pulling out some note cards. "Of course." He smiled politely. "Okay, first up, can you tell me your preferred name and pronouns?" She questioned. "Of course. My birth name is William but I go by Bill. And my pronouns are he/him." He smiled back at her.

"Okay, so there are some rumors going around about your ex-wife Audra." She stated. Bill nodded slowly, knowing where this was going.

"The rumor is that you left her for another person. What can you tell us about that?" She questioned.

"Well, it is partly true. My friend, Mike, called my old friend group and told us to come back home. If you read 'IT' then you probably know why I went back. If you didn't read it, then let me explain. Pretty much my home town had a murder who my group defeated. And he called all of us because his son started killing people. So we all went back to Derry and I re discovered my past feeling for certain people in the group." He started.

"So I started talking to the two of them. Then I realized that Bev, one of the people I liked, actually liked our friend Ben. Then I  realized that I didn't like her like that anymore, we just thought we did. But I did actually like the other person. So we kept in touch after we left Derry again. That's when we got a divorce and I started dating this other person."

"Alright, what can you tell us about these friends, your ex, and new partner?" She continued on.

"Yeah, so Audra and I still talk as friends. We're on decent terms now. My friends, we're called 'The losers club'. They all gave me permission to talk about them, so! The group consists of me, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Stanley Uris, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, and Mike Hanlon. I love them all. And my new partner-"

"Wait. You said you liked two of your friends from this group and one was Bev. But you only mentioned other men. Does that meen you just came out?" She smiled with a quirked eyebrow. "Yep." He simply smiled. There were audible gasps. "Do you have a label for your sexuality?" She asked politely. "Yeah, I do. I'm bisexual."

There was cheering and Bill simply smiled happily. "I appreciate all the support guys! Now, I'll tell you who I'm dating. It's Stan." He smiled happily. "AWWWW!!"

Bill smiled happily with a small smile. "Thank you for telling me Bill. And I admire your courage, is there anything you'd like to tell those in the closet?" She asked. "Oh course! It's gonna be okay. You matter and there are others like you. And try not to listen to what others say about you, okay? I know it's hard but I promise it'll help. If not, try to do what you enjoy."

"Thank you. Are you comfortable telling us about Stan?" She smiled. "I WOULD LOVE TO! I'm sorry, I just really like talking about him." Bill replied with a wide smile. "I'm glad to hear. Go ahead." She smiled happily.

"Okay! So- we'll only talk about us now. After the whole divorce thing we started dating. I've liked him ever since middle school. And it's just wonderful to have him as my boyfriend. Words can't describe how thankful I am for him. He's helped me a lot though everything. I know he thinks that he's a burden because of his OCD and depression. But he's not, I just love him so much." Bill smiled with the look of love in his eyes.

"That's absolutely adorable, I'm happy for you two." Rowan smiled at him. "Anything else you'd like to say?" "Let's we can chat about the losers." Bill said as he rearranged in his seat.

"I'm sure some of you recognize the name Richie Tozier. He has always been a comedian- but big fans might have noticed his style changed. That's because he told us he didn't write his own material. After we left Derry he started writing his own stuff. He honestly became him in the public eye instead of what he was supposed to be. And that's when he came out as gay." Bill explained. Rowan smiled brightly and nodded for him to continue.

"Eddie. That man. I just, where do I start. He is the most hypochondriac person you will ever meet. He was conditioned to be like that, but it stayed with him once he left Derry. He married this woman he who was like his mother. He came back to Derry and gained his courage from Richie. Oh- his job is a risk analyst even though he totally should have been a doctor." Bill said.

"Uhhhh, Bev! She is wonderful. She was the most fiery red head you will ever meet. That girl- I liked her for a reason. Anyways, she married Tom Rogan. He was a fashion designer, I think. I know Bev ended up being a fashion designer and her and him had clothes out. She ended up with Ben, put Tom in jail, and took over the fashion line."

"Ben! That man is so nice for no reason. Some of you have probably heard of Hanscom and co, that is Ben's company. He has always liked building and stuff. Ben and I liked Bev at the same time, they were better for each other then the two of us. He's also a history nerd, like, he is super curious and helped us figure out everything we know about the killer."

"Mike, we saved him from our bullies, Henry, Patrick, Victor, and Belch. I don't want to get into them, they don't deserve the publicity. Mike's parents died in a fire, and he had to watch. It has always affected him, no matter how much you tried to tell him it wasn't his fault. He is now a librarian, who has done a lot for the community, trying to make it better. We don't deserve him."

"Then finally, my boyfriend, Stan. He is the best person in the world, I swear. He has bad OCD and germophobia, he thinks it makes him a burden. He has religious trauma from his father. But he grew up to be a honor's student and then an accountant. He married this girl, Patty, who is wonderful. She is a lesbian who was forced to marry a guy. Stan is gay, so they got married." Bill finished.

Rowan smiled at Bill with a slightly shocked face, "Wow- alright-"


The end :)

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