Back together again!

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O woke up then immediately went to holding her head from a head ache she felt, wtf happened? She looks around the pod only to see V, and JUST V. Where's N?

O: v-V?...

She said weakly.

V: hm? Voices in my head is that you?

O: (😑)...o-over here.

V: oh, it's the more smarter idiot.

O: ??? (That makes no sense)

V: N's gone off to get something Btw. And he asked me to say if your okay or not when you woke up. Ik, cringy.

O nods her head after some seconds, she slowly gets up still holding one of her hands on her forehead. Seemed she got knocked out from the whole hollow spooky snake crap bloody wonderful.

V: careful i don't want you to hurt yourself and get blamed on!

O: s-seriously?

V: whatever.

(With Uzi)

Uzi had just woken up from her guilt being activated. It's been like...a week sense the whole thing with the Hollow spooky snake crab thing so...she's gone a bit insane, it's not like there's a bunch of crazed Ramblings and-

she's gone a bit insane, it's not like there's a bunch of crazed Ramblings and-

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Ahem....then Uzi takes full notice of a picture. It was from N, very bad but still extremely wholesome.


While having to stand on 2 or a single book to reach her locker a student named Rebecca kicks the books over making Uzi trip but recover.

Rebecca: yeah-*does what I said*-meeting Brad in a hour.

Uzi throws a book at them but instead it hits a kid called Braden tin the head making him yeet back into the room he came out of. Also his heads on fire.....hhhhhow is alive?

Rebecca: could you imagine going to prom alone?

Student: ha, I'd be all like, "I don't deserve happiness."

Uzi sighs at defeat and goes to pick up her book, but when looking back up she sees there's missing posters of students on the board I guess. She glances at a janitor that's cleaning up a pile of oil, then a camera that was...backwards? Also having weird...stuff happen to it.

Uzi: !!!😯...😮...

She started to cackle and get the missing posters from the board on the wall, theeennn she's skipping in her room now all happy and junk. She then put...whatever those red strings are called on 2 missing posters before about to hang them up on her ceiling wwwhhhen...she spots nothing is there.

(Murder drones) what if N had a sister Where stories live. Discover now