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Vaggie sat in the bar, puzzling the reaction you gave her earlier. Husker was just drinking the booze Alastor had promised him while he worked at the hotel until he noticed Vaggie.

"You're bugged by something." He announced, "and nothing normally bugs you."

Charlie sat next to Vaggie, "yeah, what's going on?"

Vaggie sighed, "I just wanted to warn her of Alastor. . .about how he can be dangerous. She was defensive towards me as if I was controlling her."

"I get that kind of energy from her too." Charlie replied, placing her hand on her shoulder, "but I'm sure she means no harm by it. It's probably who she is. Don't let it get to you."

Vaggie looked around, "speaking of the devil, where is he?"

"Smiles?" Angel asked, "he left awhile ago to get some venison."

Niffty jumped out of the elevator, "um guys? Where's (y/n)?"

"She told me that she was going to take a nap." Answered Vaggie, "do you need her for something?"

The tiny demon shook her head, "I knocked on her door, but she didn't answer. I walked in to see if she was okay, but she was nowhere to be seen. Her window was open though, I'm afraid she's wondering around the city."

Everyone's eyes widened, except Husk; he didn't really give a shit.

"We need to find her." Charlie spoke, "she could be hurt."

"Maybe she just went for a walk." Husk said, "I'm sure she'll be back."

"I still feel like we should look for her." She repeated.

"Maybe you're overthinking it, hun." Vaggie spoke.

"I'm just thinking of what Al would do." She admitted, "he's been around her the most."

"But he doesn't care, Charlie."

"Don't care about what?" Alastor smiled, walking in the lobby with a bag of fresh venison.

"(Y/n) is roaming around the city and we have no idea where she is." Charlie answered worriedly.

A radio static echoed around the lobby as Alastor's eyes glowed red.

You walked the streets of the city, now feeling anxious after escaping the creepy demon. All you wanted was to be alone.

"(Y/n)!" Angel called from a distance behind you, making you stop and sigh in annoyance.

"You shouldn't be on this side of the city!" He said running to you, "it's dangerous here. You gotta be street smart on this side of the city."

"I'm capable of walking around here." You spoke, not wanting to look at him.

He walked towards you, making you jump back.

"Don't touch me!" You snarled.

"Look at me, toots." He spoke, "I gotta make sure you're okay."

You glanced at him for only a second.

"I need you to really look at me, (y/n)." He said.

"Don't say my name!"

Angel gasped, seeing your busted lip and bruised cheek, "did someone hit you?"

You wiped your bleeding bottom lip, "fucker didn't stand a chance. That was the only shot he got."

"Come on, let's get you back and-"

"I said I was fine!" You said, "a pussy punch isn't gonna kill me! I'm capable of-"

"Trust me, Darling" Alastor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now