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"Wait. . . ." Husker began, "that's an anti-depressant."

"It is also prescribed to ones with severe anxiety." Added Niffty.

"That explains her sudden out burst and defensive actions." Charlie spoke.

"But she took it yesterday and was still defensive." Vaggie explained, "she feels like we're controlling her."

"But we're not." Spoke Angel, "she doesn't trust anyone. She is convinced that none of us care about her. I had to beg her to come back to the hotel."

"Not to mention that she flinches anytime one of us gets hear her." Husk added.

"And she despises her name." Spoke Niffty, "she hates hearing it."

"She refuses any help and any form of physical touch." Alastor added.

"You hate physical touch, Al." Angel smirked.

Alastor smiled at the thought of ending the demon porn star, "that's not the point."

Charlie began counting her fingers, "hates physical contact, always defensive, hates her own name, flinches at sudden movement, doesn't trust anyone, refuses to ask for help, is easily stressed, and on Paroxetine."

"There's something she's not telling us." Said Vaggie, "she's a closed book."

They all turn their heads to the stairs to see you in shock. Their eyes widened in fear.

"Why do you have my meds?" You questioned, getting defensive, "give them back!"

"Not until you tell us what's goin' on, toots!" Replied Angel.

"No!" You shielded your face, "you'll hit me!"

"What?" Everyone questioned.

"why would we hit you?" Charlie asked, "we would never."


"You're lying!" You ran up the stairs.

"(Y/n) wait!" Vaggie yelled as they all followed you.

You leaped out of the 2nd story window and landed on the ground. You glanced at the hotel before running and disappearing into the city.

"Shit she's gone!" Angel grabbed his hair as they reached the window.

"Al, you're faster than any of us." Spoke Charlie, "you'll be able to find her."

Without question, he stomped his staff and disappeared.

You ran in a dark alley, leaning against the cold wall to catch you breath. You looked behind you and saw the Radio Demon, making you jump.

"Get away from me!"

"Darling, we are trying to help you." He spoke.

"No, you're not!" You snarled, "you all are trying to control me!"

"I can promise you that we are not, my dear." He walked towards you.

You scrunched yourself into a ball on the ground, absolutely terrified and sobbing, "you'll hurt me just they they did!"

He slowly sat in front of you, removing your hands from your face and cupping your cheeks with his, wiping your tears and lifting your chin up to him to look at you.

"Darling, who hurt you?" He questioned, "I know this is not the real you."

"But you don't know me." You cried, "you don't know. . ."

He placed his left hand on your head, his eyes instantly glowing white.

You struggled against the chains in a dark, cold, hidden basement.
"Stay away from me!"
"You're not allowed to fucking speak!" Yelled your father, "or I will make you wish you were dead!"

"Trust me, Darling" Alastor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now