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(A/n): Just pretend this song was released in Alastor's time.

You groaned as you slowly opened your eyes. You sat up in the bed and looked around.

"Wait. . . .this isn't my room." You whispered.

Alastor walked back in from the balcony, "good morning, my dear! Sleep well?"

You froze in fear, holding the comforter tightly against you, "better than usual. But why am I in your room? Oh my Satan did you-!"

He laughed, "of course not, my dear! I thought it'd be best if I was able to make sure you were comfortable."

"Oh. . . ." You spoke, "thank you."

"I moved your things into the shower and set out an outfit for you on the dresser. Take all the time you need, darling. I'll be waiting down in the lobby." He replied, leaving the room.

You sat in the bed, taking in the new emotions you were feeling. You were confused but flattered. You've never been exposed to any gentle affection. You got up and made your way to the shower. After bathing and drying your hair; on top of brushing your teeth, you walked to the outfit he had chosen for you.

It was an off shoulder short red romper. You were hesitant about wearing it, but you wanted to appreciate Alastor's kindness. You styled your hair with beach waves and did you makeup. You took one last look in the mirror and thought for once you looked. . . .pretty. You walked to the elevator and pressed on the ground button.

You patiently waited for the elevator to stop. Once it opened, you walked out and everyone turned towards you.

"(Y/n) you look adorable!" Gasped Niffty, "oops! Sorry I said your name."

"Oh. . .it's okay." You softly smiled, "I kinda miss my name."

Angel chuckled, "something tells me that Strawberry Pimp over here chose your outfit. You look good in red, toots."

"Th-thanks." You blushed.

"She looks quite ravishing, doesn't she?" Alastor spun you around, taking you by surprise.

"What are you planning, Al?" Vaggie glared.

"Just attempting to boost her confidence." He answered, "proving that she truly is a beauty."

"Awww." Spoke Charlie as you blushed deep red, "that's very sweet, Al."

"Won't you come with me on a stroll, my dear?" He asked you, "you do enjoy walking the city."

"Sure." You answered, still blushing madly.

You both began your walk in the city. Alastor gently pushed you to the inner side of the sidewalk and took your spot.

"What was that for?" You asked.

"No lady should walk the outside of the sidewalk." He answered.

You rolled your eyes as you continued walking, "so where are we going?"

"Today I'm taking you to my office." He answered, "while experiencing your memories, I never saw that you were exposed to any picture show or technology."

"I wasn't exposed to anything actually." You answered, "the world never knew that I existed."

You frowned as the memories flooded your mind.

"I believe my line of work will make you smile, my dear!"

"What do you do?" You asked.

"I am a Radio Host!" Smiled Alastor, "of course it's also what I did when I was alive, but people do love a radio."

"Trust me, Darling" Alastor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now