8 Years Old

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Mirabel was 8 when she finally got her first sewing lesson.

In her and Casandra's defense they were always busy doing something whether it was climbing trees and buildings, reading books, cleaning, cooking, or playing.

But, it was when Cas had tumbled and ripped her pants and looked at Mirabel and asked her to fix it that she had finally remember she didn't know how to sow yet.

"Oh? I forgot you don't know yet," Cas mumbled.

"Yeah, you mentioned you'd get your Abuela to show....me?" Mira looked confused as she gave the older girl a look, "You want me to show me how to sow?"

"Huh?" Cas muttered as she motioned her up the stairs to her room, "Yeah, that does sound weird when you say it like that."


Casita in the future was very much just like the Casita of the past. As the young girl looked around she saw that Casita had another floor and that she only recognized a few doors.

Dolores', Luisa's, Cas', and the nursery door.

One of the doors caught her eye though. It stood near Luisa's and it read Mirabel. On it she assumed her future self stood with a smile holding THE candle.

Cas tugged on Mira's hand, "Come on."

Mirabel allowed herself to be dragged but pointed at the door as they walked away, "Is that my door? When do I get a door?!"

Cas shrugged as she dragged her down the stairs, "I don't know? I think it came with the front door?"

"The front door?"

"It's a long story."


Cas dragged Mirabel into the dinning room and smiled as she saw an older woman probably in her early 40's with fairer skin and brown hair sowing at the table, "Tia Maria! Can you teach sowing?"

Maria looked up with a loving smile, "Casandra, I thought you said you got tired of pricking your fingers?"

Cas nodded seriously, "Yes but It's not a lesson for me but Mira."

Mirabel felt self conscious as Maria looked her over, "Hola."

"Is this your friend? Mira, was it?, hello to you too," Maria smiled at her, "She looks a lot like you....You could be twins..."

"No, I'm her Abuela," Mirabel honestly replied.

Maria paused in her sowing and really looked at Mirabel surprised, "Wait..."

Footsteps were heard as a familiar person entered. She squeaked as she looked at the tiny Mirabel, "Is that a tiny Mirabel? Why is there a tiny Mirabel?"

"I'm trying to figure that," Maria admitted.

"Dolores? You got old," Mirabel commented, surprised.

"You can't call old people old," Cas stage whispered to Mirabel.

"But they are old," Mirabel whispered back.

Dolores could only squeak again as Maria tried not to laugh.


"So you have to be patient," Maria smiled as tiny Mirabel her tongue out in concentration as she threaded the needle.

Dolores smiled at the scene before looking back at Cas, "You've been going back to visit Mirabel for three years?"

Cas rolled her eyes, "Yeah, Tia Dolores. I tell you all the time I'm going to see Abuela."

Mirabel's Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now