14 Years Old

104 4 0

Cas' quinceañera was a huge party. Like huge.

Mirabel was so pleased that Cas had asked her to be in court. She cried a little. Mirabel had not been asked to be in her sisters' or Dolores'.

Cas' escort ended up being Maximiano but he had actually been very nice about it and her shoes had been changed by her brothers and her first dance had been split between her Tios Reyes and David before the rest of her family past her around before she was finally allowed to dance with her girlfriend.

Later that night after everyone went to bed Cas and Mirabel were on the roof again and Cas finally started crying.

"I wish my Papa was here."

That was when Mirabel started wondering what kind of man her son, Pedro, was.


"I don't understand this is label episode 1," Mirabel held up the box labeled Star Wars Episode 1.

"Yeah, but the man at the store told me and Ana to start with episode 4," Cas replied as she held up the box labeled episode 4, "He told 4, 5, and 6. Then 1, 2, and 3."

"That makes no sense," Mirabel complained.

Meanwhile, Maximiano and most of the family were sitting annoyed as they argued.

"Good ole family movie night," Maximiano complained as he ate popcorn.


"It's over, Mirabel! I have the high ground!" Cas dramatically called down to Mira as she stood on Casita's roof holding her broom like a sword.

"You underestimate my power!" Mirabel replied as she gripped her broom and tapped her foot down asking Casita to launch her onto the roof.

Casita did throws it's tiles up allowed Mirabel to land on the roof.

Mira and Cas laughed as they continued their "sword fight" on the roof making noises with their mouths and being overly dramatic and laughing.


They paused and glanced to see an upset Julieta looking up at them, "Get off the roof now!"

Mira and Cas shared a look and jumped off the opposite of Julieta running from the grounding she probably had in mind.


"What kind of animal is this?" Mirabel asked confused holding up the newest pokemon game she just started.

Cas and Gabriela were laying on the couch as Gabriela was sowing, so Cas tilted her head and looked, "Oh. A penguin? It lives way up north. It's like bird."

"I love it," Mirabel said looking at it, "It's so cute."

"Maybe we can go to a zoo with Ana," Cas smiled while glancing at the game, "Please don't throw the DS if you get stuck on a gym."

"I will make no such promises."


Mirabel had been to weddings before. This was the first family wedding though.

Maximiano was marrying her longtime girlfriend, Rosa Sandoval. Well Mirabel supposed it was Rosa Madrigal now.

As she smiled in the audience as they married, a thought hit Mirabel as she imagined herself in the wedding dress.

She wondered what her husband was like.


Mirabel had to be careful, Cas always got very upset when you asked her about Abuelo or Papa. So, she had to wait till Mirabel was alone with Abuela Mirabel.

Mirabel's Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now