12 Years Old

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Mirabel was 12 when the Madrigal family forgot her birthday.

She doesn't want to blame them. She doesn't. There had been a huge accident in the mining area and the whole family had ended up going to help except her. She had to stay with an almost 2 year old Antonio.

Someone had to and she would be less helpful than the others in the end because of her lack of gift.

She doesn't blame them.

But, some did.


Mirabel couldn't help but blink in confusion as several of the Madrigals of 2008 were trying to go back in time to give Abuela and the Madrigals of 1947 a piece of their minds.

"She's 12!" Tia Alina glared at her husband, the adult Antonio, as he, Abuela Mirabel, Tia Luisa, Tio Edgar, Tia Dolores, Tio Mariano, Reyes, and Ed blocked the door, "How do you forget a birthday party."

It was weird to her to see the crowd of people trying to get to the door to give her family a scolding. Her family didn't do "wrong" things, they didn't make mistakes, they were the perfect Madrigals after all.

"Reyes Luis Leon Madrigal get out of my way so I can go strangle your Abuela," David glared at his husband.

Reyes raised his eyebrow confused at that, "My Abuela Alma or my Abuela Julieta?"

"I'll decide on the way," David narrowed his eyes.

"I vote both," Ernesto and Estela, the twin children of Camilo, answered together as they gave each other a high five.

Mirabel was very concerned that these people are the adults in her life.

"Okay, we're going now," Maximiano came into the room with Marina and Diana following him with arms full of jackets.

"But I want to stay and watch to see who wins!" Gaspar protested as his cousins shoved him into a jacket.

"Too bad," Ana protested as she pulled on her scarf, "Is Pa trying to go through Tio Ed's legs?"

"Tia Maria just sat on him so it doesn't matter," Gilberto watched in mild amusement as he put on his jacket with no fuss unlike his twin.

Mirabel just shook her head as Cas wrapped a scarf around her neck. She raised an eyebrow, it was yellow and had a badger on it, "Huh?"

"That's part 1 of your present," Cas smiled as she pointed at the badger, "It's from a book series we're picking up in town cause the box set came in today. It's called Harry Potter and you're totally a Hufflepuff."

Cas picked up baby Antonio as Emelina opened the door and the other older kids ushered them out, "Cause you're hardworking, loyal, kind, patient..."

"Please stop being a nerd," Maximinao complained as he glanced again as the suppose "adults" in their family continued to fight.

"Please we must preserve the timeline!" Abuela Mirabel argued for peace.

"You literally taught yourself to sow! The timeline is broken!"


Mirabel met a young girl that day as they were in town shopping.

Diana and Christina were with her. Cas had taken Antonio and Jaime with her to pick up the books she had bought for her.

The girl was nice and Mirabel honestly wouldn't have thought much of her later but she learned she was already appertincing under Tomas Madrigal, Dolores' son in law. Her name was Gabriela Rivera and in the coming years Mira would be seeing a lot of her.

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