13 Years Old

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Mirabel was 13 when she was given The Talk. Honestly, it was super awkward. Which is why right after she ran to Cas and hid under her bed covers while cuddling Cas' new kitten Navidad.

"I can't believe it! That was so embarrassing! I never want to think about those things again!" Mirabel whined to the 14 year old.

Too bad sure Mirabel then as she heard a chuckle and could almost hear the smirk on Cas' face, "Well that's too bad, Abuela. You have to give me. The talk in about 60 years."

Mirabel screamed so loud that Tia Luisa and Tia Dolores ran in to check on her.


Mirabel learned in one day that Cas' had a boyfriend and broken up with him in the same day.

Mirabel decided that if Cas had never introduced Helio Ramos to her then he certainly wasn't important.

Abuela Mirabel told her she was wise to think that as she had never liked Helio anyway.


"Abuela tell Mirabel it's okay to like boys and girls," Cas had told the whole table at dinner one night.

"Cas! No!" Mirabel blushed as the whole table looked confused at the pair.

"It is," Abuela Mirabel chuckled at her blushing younger self, "Cas you like both right?"

Cas nodded.

"It's called being bisexual, Tia," Marina added as she motioned to herself, "I am too."

"I'm Bisexual as well," Raul added with a shy smile.

"I personally don't think I like people like that," Ana wondered out loud, "So I'm probably asexual."

"Same, Ana," Christina nodded.

Juan nodded in agreement at the asexual comments.

"Pansexuals here!" Ernesto added waving to both him and Estela.

"And you know me and Reyes like only men," David smiled at the young girl as Reyes blushed.

Mirabel looked surprised at several of those at the table, "Huh, but that okay here but back home I can only like boys. Abuela says so."

The table looked very taken aback by that. It was 1948 after all where she was from.

"Love and people are wide and diversity. Remember that. What Abuela says is not law and as you can see things change and are not as clear cut as she thinks," Abuela Mirabel explained proudly, "So, Mirabel it's okay that we like both."

Young Mira took it all in before smiling softly, "So, I can say both the boys and girls are pretty."

"Yes, you can," Abuela Luisa smiled and patted her on the back.

Suddenly, Ivan spat out his drink and looked at his Tia Mirabel in shock, "Wait! Your Bi Tia?!"

"Yes," Abuela Mirabel looked confused at the shock faces at the table.

"You never told us that," Ernesto looked confused.

"You never asked."


Teenage Mirabel remembered the words Abuela Mirabel told her next time she was in town and gazing at the girl she had a crush on named Martha in town.

She had off handley comment on how girls can be so cute, she didn't notice that Isabela had been near her eyeing Natalia, Martha's older sister. She did notice when the blushing and confused Isabela had walked into her own flower bush though.

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