15 Years Old

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The Madrigal family was very confused as they noticed that most of the town seemed to be heading to Casita. So Eventually Abuela stopped and asked.

"Well, it's Mirabel's quinceañera is it not?"

Most of the family looked shocked. Had they not told the town?

Mirabel had said she had wanted a small party. What were they going to do?


They had raced home ready to turn them the people away but were confused as they saw Casita dancing happily while decorated.

"What th-" Camilo muttered as the family stared shocked at the party that seemed to be going on without them having set it up.

"Coming through!" a red haired man warned as he and several others walked by with food for everyone.

"Where did....how..." Julieta trailed off.

Abuela had just about of enough of this confusion but before she could scold anyone a couple young women saw them and ran over to hand the family a bunch of clothes they saw were things they had seen Mirabel work on all week.

"You guys are late!" One of them scolded as they quickly ran off to help sent up more food or moved gifts around, "Especially you, "Dad"." She pointed at Agustin "your daughter is waiting."

Agustin ran off to get dressed as did the others.

Abuela was left staring completely lost, "I thought Mirabel just wanted a small party....how...."


Much later that night as Julieta was kissing Mirabel as she tucked her into bed she had to ask, "Mira, I thought you wanted just a small family party.

"I planned on it," Mirabel admitted as she was tucked into the bed smiling at her mom, "I didn't want to bother you all with a big party. You're always so busy. My friends family came over and set up the big party. "

That hurt Julieta a little. Her daughter should have the party she wanted, Julieta turned to tell her she should always tell her what she wanted but found her asleep from all the excitement of the day.

"I love you, my precious daughter. Good night."


"I'm a woman now, you can't stop me!" Mirabel glared at Cas.

"I can say I haven't finished the game so no you don't get to save over my file on pokemon white," Cas replied annoyed as she held her Nintendo DS just out of reach, "Plus I'm sixteen vs your fifteen!"

"Yeah, but I'm your grandmother so hand me the game! I want to play with the cute fire pig!"

They fought for a while, with Gabriela just watching in amusement while petting Cas' cat.

Eventually, Mirabel won.


"Wait, Adrian's gift is what?!" Mirabel asked as she stomped the flames out on the rug.

"Fire manipulation!" Cas shouted back as she started rolling the rug with Casita's help in hopes of putting it out.

Adrian was crying loudly trying to apologize and put the flames out but he was too upset.

Maximiano slide into the room shooting water at the fire putting it out and huffing out of breath.

"That was funny. Do it again," Gaspar laughed before everyone in the room glared at him, "Hey, I didn't start the fire....I just enjoyed the chaos...."


" My tía Pepa Her mood affects the weather When she's unhappy Well, the temperature gets weird!" Cas sang happily as she played the piano while reading over the lyrics, "My tío Bruno..."

"We don't talk about Bruno!" Mirabel filled in from the ensemble laughing at the face Cas made staying in character.

"They say he saw the future, one day he disappeared," Cas continued singing with a smile, "Oh! And that's my mom Julieta, here's her deal, whoa! The truth is, she can heal you with a meal, whoa! Her recipes are remedies for real!"

Mirabel danced in her seat on the piano bench next to Cas.

"If you're impressed, imagine how I feel, Mom!" Cas sang as she opened her mouth to sing the next part she was cut off.

"Mirabel stop that racket!"

They both jolted and looked to see an annoyed looking Abuela as she was heading to the door.

"Oh, Abuela, that's not me, that's actually Casandra here," Mirabel smiled motioning to her friend, "she actually is really good, I wouldn't call it racket."

"Yes, well your Tia is trying to take a nap," Abuela replied, barely looking at them, "I'm late for my meeting with the Guzmans about Isabela's engagement."

They watched as Abuela left not even caring to look at Cas. Mirabel got her usually disappointed look on her face everytime that Abuela dismissed her.

Cas huffed and stood up annoyed, "Honestly, Mira. I know everyone tells me Abuela Alma turns around and becomes a very supportive and doting grandmother but I can't see it."

"Cas not again. I'll just trust your grandmother that she does," Mirabel replied not wanting one of their spats over that.

A smirked appeared on Cas' face, "Bright side? We know the engagement falls apart and she's wasting her time."

Mirabel did get a chuckle out of that.


"We're late! We're so late!" Cas cried as she adjusted the skirt she had borrowed from Mirabel and put on Mirabel's spare glasses.

"This is your fault! You literally have power over time!" Mirabel complained as Casita slide her her shoes which she slipped on.

"Shut up and lets go!" Cas cried as she dragged Mirabel out the nursery and into her room door.

But, in their hurry to get to the play on time they didn't realize they hadn't shut the door all the way closed. Which is how Camilo noticed the door an hour later.

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