Bonus Chapter

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She looked down and took a deep breath, she could do this.

"You're not ready," Cas smugly smiled at her.

"Yes, I am," Mirabel glared back at her, "I've trained hard and picked who I trusted most to support me. Today, I will be victorious."

"That's what you think," Cas shot back.


Isabela paused as she saw Mirabel and Cas in the living room looking down at something in their hands while Camilo, Antonio, and Jaime where behind Mirabel looking at the thing in her hands and Diana, Gaspar, Gilberto, and Elias were behind Cas.

"Um, whats happening?" Isabela asked confused as she walked closer.

"This is it! Mirabel is going to be beat Cas in a pokemon battle!" Diana explained.

Except it didn't explain anything...

"I'll bite what's a pokemon?" Isabela asked as she walked over and got behind Mirabel to see some sort of device in her hands that had pictures of fighting animals on them.

"It's short for pocket monsters. It's a game, that's popular in our time," Diana explained as she wanted intensely.

"Why does your Tauros even know surf and thunderbolt?!" Mirabel yelled as her green dragon monster got flooded by a bull?

"I call it the surprise tactic," Cas smirked evilly, "No one expects it. You expect normal moves from it cause it's a normal type so you let your guard down."

Mirabel glared back.

"It's just a game?" Isabela asked confused at smack talk.

"Shhh," Antonio said as he stared at the tiny screen, "Mira, has to decided who to send next."

Isabela was so confused and was about to leave when she saw Mirabel throw out a butterfly pokemon, she sat behind her and watched the fight play out.


"Charizard fight!" Gaspar screamed as Mirabel and Cas were down to their last pokemon and

Isabela was actually invested now.

"Get her!" Isabela shook Mirabel.

"Stop it! Me and Vela got this!" Mirabel replied as she glared across at Cas and then back at Cas' Charizard, Apollo.

"Yeah doubt. I have Pokemon X so that means," Cas smirked as she pressed a button and her charizard turned black, "Mega Charizard X."

"On come on!" Mirabel complained as her charizard mega evolved into Mega Charizard Y.

"Is that bad?" She looked at Camilo who shrugged.

"Yes," Gilberto replied from Cas' side, "It means it's part dragon now and not a lot can - Did you just thunder punch it?!"

"Did that just paralysis it?!" Gaspar screeched.

Cas just stared dumb founded at the screen.

Mirabel did a little dance, "Vela I love you so much."

Cas angrily pressed buttons and Isabela watched as the black dragon didn't move, "No!"

"Yes!" Mirabel screeched as her orange dragon hit it again with the thunder punch.

"Nooo!" Cas cried as she fell to the ground dramatically.

"I AM THE POKEMON MASTER!" Mirabel screamed loudly as she jumped up and down.

Camilo and Antonio jumped around with her as Diana rubbed Cas' back.


Isabela leaned over and gently removed the device from Cas' hand, " I want to play."

Gaspar took the game from Isabela's hand, "No, if you play pokemon you have to start at the beginning."

"The beginning?"


And that was how Abuela found and Isabela and Mirabel in the living room the next day as Mirabel was guiding Isabela threw Pokemon Leaf Green.


Mirabel's Team: Vela (Charizard), Mariposa (Butterfree), Ches (Chesnaught), Hada (Sylveon), Lapis (Lapra), & Cielo (Flygon)

Cas' Team: Apollo (Charizard), Ninja (Greninja), Theseus (Tauros), Thunder (Jolteon), Drake (Haxorus), & Hercules (Heracross) 

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