Chapter 4

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Yamato, Kayla, and Nathan flinched. Kaleb seemed to notice and looked up at them. "What happened?" he asked.

"A master just died," Nathan said.

Yamato and Kayla nodded to confirm the statement.

"The servant is not taking this well," Yamato replied. "I sense great suffering."

Kayla gripped her DMR tighter. "The worst part is, it's only half a mile from here."

Nathan stiffened. "Let's go."

Kaleb stood up from his chair. "We can't just rush this! The servant that killed the master might be waiting for you!"

"Like Hell he is!" Kayla shouted back. She slipped her helmet back on and checked the ammo in the rifle.

"We need a plan!"

Nathan slammed Kaleb into the wall and pressed a knife to his throat. "I know who the servant is and I happen to like her, so unless you want to become mute, I suggest you sit down, shut up, and wait here."

He dropped Kaleb to the floor and ran out the front door with Kayla and Yamato. Taylor helped Kaleb up and Tina watched the servants from the front door as they ran down the neighborhood at speeds only an olympian could dream of.


Elizabeth woke up as a change in the atmosphere caused the air to chill. Someone's master had died and was currently crying near an aggressive servant. Three powerful and angry servants were on the way to them as well. Elizabeth looked over at Sarah, who was passed out in the back seat. She convinced herself to let Sarah sleep and closed her eyes as she concentrated on watching the fight between the four forces.


Yamato looked over to his right to see Kayla growing tired and Nathan struggling to keep up. He knew Kayla had limited sprint and that Nathan didn't have sprint, but he also knew that the lightweight and marathon perk was all that kept him in front of the group. Only 100 meters left and they would be upon the two servants. Yamato ran another 95 meters before he slid behind the wooden fence that divided the house and the target. He leaned to the left and saw a bullet fly past his head by an inch. He sprinted down the fence and vaulted over before he layed down a spray of bullets. The enemy was a soldier like Yamato except the soldier wore heavy battle gear and used an M4 assault rifle. Kayla jumped down from above and threw the soldier onto his back. She pulled out a knife and went for his chest but the soldier rolled away and fired a few rounds into her chest. Her shields glowed but didn't dissipate. Instead, they glowed and faded away. Kayla laughed quietly. Nathan fired a burst from his 10mm submachine gun and hit the soldier's gun. The gun flew from the soldier's hands and broke apart on the grass. The soldier drew a pistol and fired a round into Nathan's chest. Nathan flinched but fired another busrt into the soldier's left shoulder. The soldier hung his shoulder and shot another round into Nathan's leg. A boy that Yamato didn't notice fired his rifle at Yamato. Four rounds found Yamato's chest. To avoid further damage, Yamato slid behind the house and breathed until the wounds healed. Kayla rushed up to the boy and whacked him with her rifle. He blocked the blow with his rifle and it shattered into pieces in his hands. The soldier threw down a box and pulled up a submachine gun. He aimed at Kayla and fired until Kayla's shields burst. As he tried to reload, Yamato rushed forward with a knife in hand and stabbed the soldier in the arm. The soldier cried out and punched Yamato. As Yamato recovered, the soldier drew out a knife and raised it in front of his face. Yamato recovered and grabbed the soldier's arm with both hands. The soldier punched Yamato again and stuck the knife into his throat. For a moment, the world seemed to move in slow motion. The soldier grabbed Yamato's dogtags and tore them as he pulled the knife from his throat. Someone screamed in the distance as Yamato fell slowly to the grass. Blood flew from the knife being pulled and hovered like raindrops in the air, falling only slightly faster than Yamato was. Once he hit the ground, the world began to slowly return to it's normal speed. Bullets flew over Yamato and the sound of heavy footsteps ran off into the distance along with light footsteps. Kayla and Nathan appeared over Yamato as the color drained from the world.

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