Chapter 9

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Taylor and Kayla laughed as they took another sip of their sodas. They were watching a Youtube video on Taylor's laptop and drinking sodas on the back porch. It had been seven months since the war ended and the world had seemingly forgotten Bravo's assault on Kaleb's house and the large series of explosions that nearly destroyed the neighborhood. Kaleb's house was emptied after his uncle committed suicide, Tina's parents moved out of state, and Sarah was serving life in prison for theft, running from officers, and fighting back against the officers. She was never heard from.

"Hey, Kayla," Taylor said poking her face. "I have a surprise for you."

Taylor took Kayla's hand and led her upstairs. In Taylor's room, was an Xbox One with Call of Duty: Ghosts loaded up on screen. Taylor quickly signed in to her profile and loaded up multiplayer. When she went to create a soldier, Yamato appeared on screen, holding his USR rifle as if it were a part of him. Kayla stared at the screen. He was there, just out of reach, separated by a sheet of glass. She placed her hand on the screen and stared into his eyes.

"It took me an hour to get him just right," Taylor said. "I had to earn some of his clothes through challenges."

Kayla hugged her master. "Thank you, Taylor. I'll definitely play this game with him."

"I just hope he'll be in the next war," Taylor said.

"If he is, I'll make sure he wins."

Kayla took the controller from Taylor and started the matchmaking on Team Deathmatch. She didn't know what to expect from the players, the maps, or even the weapons created in the classes, but she knew that no matter what, her character was Yamato, and he would be fighting for her.

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