Chapter 6

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Bravo had been in the bushes for over an hour now. Yamato started to feel uneasy and Kayla's constant leaning on his shoulder was only distracting him. She almost acted drunk and it made him feel odd about her. He could sense Bravo's hostility but Bravo just refused to move. Yamato felt as though he were sitting in an elaborate trap waiting to be launched onto him. A figure started running from the house. It was Bravo's master, running toward Bravo with a detonator in his hands. Yamato's eyes shot wide open and he tackled Kayla. A series of explosions rocked the house, dirt flew into the air, the roof collapsed beneath them, debris flew across the neighborhood, and fires burned around the house. Yamato lifted himself from the debris and helped Kayla to her feet.

"Find our masters," he told Kayla. "I'm going to handle this!"

Kayla saw the rubble stir and a young girl with a staff threw her hands out to reveal everyone in a bubble, unharmed but scared.

"Elizabeth, you're hurt," a girl said to the young girl. She extended her hands and a green glow surrounded the servant.

"Thanks, Sarah," Elizabeth said. "Get these masters to safety. We'll handle this."

Nathan, Elizabeth, Crona, and Kayla drew their arms and turned to Bravo. Yamato held his hand out. "I will handle this. I must restore my honor."

Bravo laughed as the servants ran off. "Restore your honor. You sound like a pathetic samarai." He pulled out a blade and spun it around in his hand. "How about this, I'll only use my knife."

Yamato tossed his sniper rifle and drew his own blade. "You grin now, but you will fall like all of my previous foes."

Bravo ran forward and lifted the blade over in front of his face. The blade was then, thrusted forward but Yamato was quick and stopped the blade with both hands. Bravo punched Yamato and went for the stab to the throat but Yamato easily ducked and kicked Bravo in the stomach. As Bravo stumbled to regain his balance, Yamato rushed forward and punched Bravo in the jaw. Bravo clenched his teeth and stabbed Yamato's left arm. Yamato ignored the pain and headbutt Bravo in the face. Bravo screamed, giving Yamato a chance to stab Bravo's hand. Bravo dropped the blade and kicked Yamato's face. Yamato fell to the floor and dropped his knife. Bravo jumped on top and started beating Yamato's face in. Yamato dodged one of the punches and grabbed Bravo's throat. He squeezed and started punching Bravo's face with his free hand. Bravo struggled to free himself until Yamato tucked his legs in and kicked Bravo off. He rolled over to his side and grabbed his blade in time to turn and stab Bravo in the throat. Once Bravo dropped dead, Yamato drew out his pistol and shot Bravo's head. The soldier's body dissappeared shortly afterwards.


Reed tried to run back home but his chest exploded in pain and he dropped onto the blacktop and started coughing up blood. His head burned in pain and he slowly went motionless. A moment later, a large semi truck screeched as it tried to avoid running over his body.


The police didn't accept Kaleb's explanation of what happened and it made Yamato angry. Taylor and Kayla went to Taylor's house to pick up something while Tina took Nathan and Crona to Justin's house, leaving Yamato and Kaleb to handle the police.

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