Dropping The Bomb

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With her head down, her big doll shaped eyes stared without focus as she dragged her body along the street. Her beautiful dress was filthy and so was her fair skin.

Her bare feet was sore and numb, her whole body was hurting badly as if she had been flogged mercilessly, she was hungry and thirsty.

But it was nothing compared the the pain and anger she felt. Inside, she was dying. Anger, pain, sorrow, curiousity, and many emotions were building up inside her.

She felt something wet touch her hand and raised up her head, it had started raining.

Yet she did not take cover, she walked in the rain as her body begun to fell numb from both the pain and cold.

But she didn't care, all Lisa wanted to do was to end the pain.

She walked till she couldn't go any further, gravity took over as she fell on the floor while it kept raining.

Just then she saw a car heading towards her.

Lisa didn't make an attempt to move, if anything she was glad. If this was the only way to end her suffering then... so be it.

Lisa closed her eyes as she awaited her demise but it never came.

She opened her eyes to find that she was very much alive and still drenched in rain, sitting at the same spot.

Only this time the car had stopped in front of her.

The door opened as Lisa witnessed a long leg come out, followed by the other pair. The man then lifted his body and walked towards her with an umbrella.

He was elegant and noble.

His whole body exuded grace as his perfectly sculpted body stood in front of her.

Lisa couldn't see his face clearly, but his voice aided her in recognizing him.

She'd recognizing that voice anywhere.

"What are you doing her Lisa?" He asked, clearly unhappy.

"Mr. Jeon" Lisa could barely speak.

Seeing the state the girl was in, Jungkook knew now was not the time for interrogation.

He sighed as he approached her and bent to her level. Brushing her wet bangs off her forehead and staring into her eyes.

"Come with me?" Jungkook asked Lisa. All she could do was nod in response. Being seen in this condition by him was embarrassing.

He carried her in his arms as Lisa held the umbrella above them. Her skin was cold and white.

She looked weak. All the colour drained from her face except the blush that crept on to her face.

They were seated in the car, she did not get why she was seated on his lap, and to make matters even worse, the chauffeur was there!

But she was too tired to care. His body was warm and his manly scent enchanted her.

And just like that Lisa fell asleep.

They arrived at the mansion. Jungkook (like last time) slept in the guest room as Lisa slept in the master bedroom, his room.

Lisa woke up the next morning in the same luxurious room.

Lisa blushed as she thought about how it felt sitting on his lap.

She could hear his heart beat accelerating as she sat on his lap.

Lisa thought back to what her uncle had said to her. She felt nothing but hatred towards him.

How could he treat her that way? She decided that enough is enough, she has endured for far too long.

"Time to fight back" Lisa heard a knock on the door.

"Please come in". The door opened and Jungkook walked inside in his all black business suit.

Lisa subconsciously sat straight.

"Good morning, how do you feel?" He asked her as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Better, how did you find me?" Lisa asked.

"You were lying on the road, a path to my house, how can I not find you?" He replied.

"What were you doing there, I sent you to your house?" Jungkook asked.

Lisa was silent for a while, contemplating on whether or not to tell him the truth.

In the end she decided to come clean and told him everything. He had seen her at her worst, so what's there to hide?

"Do you plan go let them go unpunished?" Jungkook asked her.

She shook her head as a no and looked down "But I don't have anything to defeat them" she said.

"I'll help you" she looked at him in shock and utter disbelief but he did not seem to be joking.

"I already owe you too much, besides why do you want to help me?". He looked at her and smiled "Because I love you Lisa".

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