Chapter 2

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The second Megh had gotten to the school a pounding headache began to form behind her left eye. She thought her head was going to explode from the pain it was causing. It made concentrating on this awful test just that much harder to do. The hours ticked buy slowly but she was counting down the seconds until she could leave . Right when the timer ran out she jumped across the room and as if by magic, the door flew open so hard, it nearly feel off its hinged. "What the?" She muttered as she stared at the door. Decided not to focus on it she concentrated on the walk home. She couldn't wait to climb down the cliffs and sit by the ocean, listening to its song. As she reached her house the headache began to subside a little, as if the sea were soothing it. As she made her way down the cliffs she felt an odd sensation in her stomach. It was like pins pushing her further down edging her on, trying to get her to climb faster. She paused, tying to get the feeling to disappear but it didn't work. Slowly she began to climb again when suddenly, she lost her grip and started plummeting the fifty feet down to the rocks below.As she feel she noticed that she was falling almost slowly, as if the air was supporting her on her way down. By the time she had reached the rocks, she had righted herself in the air and had landed generally, as if she had just stepped into them and not fallen fifty feet. She barely had anytime to ponder this strange occurrence because no soon had she landed then a drop of water had landed on her, causing a piercing pain to shoot through her skull. She dropped like a stone as her world dimmed, then went black.

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