Chapter five

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*the switch to first person is intentional*

I groaned and sat up after fainting for the second time in a day. What the hell was going on with me I wondered as I sat up in the middle of my living room. Suddenly this strange feeling washed over me. Like I just had to stand up and walk out the front door. Feeling a little apprehensive I followed the feeling going were I felt was needed. Eventually it lead me to the beach were I had fainted the other day. Grinning at the water, I dive in. WHAT THE HELL! My brain screemed as I jumped in. It was April, not June and even then, we never go swimming here, it was too dangerous. I tried to fight the feeling, to get back up to the surface but I couldnt. It was like my mind was saying one thing while my body was doing another. I swam deeper and deeper. I shouldn't have been able to stay under this long and I shouldn't be moving this fast. Looking behind me I gasped as I fought a glimpse of what we're my legs only instead of my legs there was a glimmering tail.

Stormy SeasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora