Chapter eight

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As I opened my mouth and began singing, I was awed by my voice. I had always had a decent singing voice but the sound coming out of my mouth not, it was almost unearthly. I shivered at the enchanting melodies I was creating and harmonizing with the voice in the distance.

It seemed like this voice was coming closer and closer until suddenly, there was a figure in front of me. She was beautiful with long flowing hair so black, it looked blue.

Her tail was purple with a green pattern flowing across it and she had gorgeous almost silken fins. She had a purple piece of silk wrapped around her upper body and it had the same green patterns on it as her tail. I was enchanted just looking at her, but the really beauty lay in her eyes. The had slit, cat-like pupils the iris looked like a swirl of colours, changing and melting as they thought fit.

The main colour was an indigo-violet with undertones of a teal greenish colour. I felt like I was falling deeper and deeper into her eyes when I shook myself awake from a whatever spell she had holding me captive. I thought I say a glimmer of respect flash through her eyes that I hadn't fallen completely under her spell.

"Come" was the only thing she said as she began to swim again. Feeling as if I had no choice, I began to follow her.

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