Chapter six

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My tail pumped faster, pushing me deeper and deeper into the murky water. I should be dead was the only thought running through my head. There was no way I should have been able to survive this, but then again, I should have legs and not a tail. I tried to open my mouth to scream but nothing came out, noting but bubbles. Deeper and deeper I went and darker and darker it got. I tried not to panicked and to convince myself that it was only a dream but, my mind knew it was real, just like how I knew it was real. I could finally make out something on the floor of the ocean, it looked like a giant rock but I honestly couldn't tell. It could have been a sunken ship for all I knew. I tried not to concentrate on the fact that I shouldn't be alive but it was difficult to focus on anything else. Terror was quickly overwhelming my body and all rational thoughts were flying quickly out the window. I tried to figure out how I was still alive but to no avial. There was no logical reason as to why I was still alive and not dead at the bottom of the ocean. Suddenly I heard a voice coming from the distance saying one thing, my name. It said it like it was a song and I began to follow the voice.

Stormy SeasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang