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A single drum of taehyung's finger against the desk says: you're about to be put in a very complicated situation and jimin swears he didn't prepare for that when he decided to visit his best friend in the prison. To the moon ,jimin swear taehyung look like his old self.

Just like the little angel in all white that had walked in majestically months ago.

"Why?" Jimin drop the hold of his breath , his brow going up in confusion at the single word thrown at him. Why what?.

"Why did you hide the fact that he's alive?---


Jimin sighs when the pretty male arched his brow at him , he then lick his dry lips before letting out a heavy breath.

"See Taehyung, we wants to keep jungkook safe--- you know the accident isn't really an accident. I think it's better letting everyone believe he's really gone" bullshits , jimin's words are plain bullshit to taehyung's ears. Okay , he assumed they wanted to keep jungkook safe but from him too? He'd have probably remain in darkness mourning jungkook for the rest of his life if Jeff didn't show up.

Taehyung have instincts and he always have a great pain whenever he decided to ignore it. He shouldn't really trust anyone. Yeah and that includes the boys.

"The accident, who was behind it?" The way jimin's eyes runs panics in them gives away that he indeed knew who did that and oh , another reason why taehyung won't let his best friend get away with it.

The pretty boy chuckles, a dry one as he brush his hair back with his fingers roughly.

"Tell me whosoever it's is dinning with the devil already" taehyung groans before a sarcastic laughter escape his throat when jimin look down , avoiding to meet his gaze at all cost.

"I guess they'll be dinning with me anyway, who is it?" Jimin eye taehyung suspiciously for seconds before sighing out loudly, he knows taehyung will find it out either he tells him or not.

"Officer Minho , his way of taking revenge on you for framing him--

A frown settles on taehyung's face , so far he'd remember— he had put Minho in position where he'd spend about fifteen to sixteen years imprisonment but he's out already?.

"He kinda made a deal with one officer to proof his innocent, he knows you'll loose control if something happens to jungkook. He pulled your weakest strings and get to find out your little tricks, so yeah" a smile spread across taehyung's face taken jimin by surprise, this boy is weird in all shades of weird.

"Should I deal with him while I'm still here or should I do that when I get back home?" Taehyung let his thinking out to jimin who gives a blank look.

"I'm not pulling any strings to get you out of here tae, the world is aware of everything and we have a reputation to protect" slowly , taehyung raise his face to meet jimin's gaze before he scoff shaking his head unamused.

"What the fuck you talking about dude? I am the string---

Another scoff escape taehyung's lips at jimin confused face , sometimes he wonder how these boys became mafia but again the stories is still clear to his face.

They're different from him. Unlike them who inherited everything from their family , taehyung had his own blood under his foot before he gets the position he's. But the stories aren't really pleasant to ears not like taehyung have also got time for chit chat.

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