chapter 1 - pathetic pirates

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Uma ditched us a few mounts ago after escaping the isle of the lost, by swimming under the barrier before it closed, her crew had been pretty down and the worst of it all Harry would not shut up about his beloved captain. Me and Harry had never gotten along. He was all about dating everyone on the isle well it not dating it just ticking them off a list for him. Me on the other hand I didn't want anything to do with love. Love is weak well that always what my dad said but he's not around anymore he looks after my step sister cilia. I forgive him for doing what he did by it still hurt when he left me. He thought of cilia as his own child while me as a burden. I never new who my mother was but I new that she didn't want anything to do with my father. And after my father had his second child he didn't want me he just want what he thought was his own family. So uma picked me off the street and bought me home to her house and I have lived with her and her mum, Ursula, ever since. I do have to work to stay with them thought. And that's what I'm doing now walking around the fish shop taking people orders and listening to Harry moan about the fact his captains gone. Another reason me and Harry don't get along is the fact there has always been a fight to see who is uma's favourite. Harry always clams to be her first hand but we all know it is me that is number one. Me and Harry constantly have fights about it and I enjoy watching the smug pirate try to defend his made up title of first mate. Gil was one of my best friend although I hated the fact that he thought me and Harry were perfect for each other. He constantly went on about the fact when he fight we always get up close in each other faces and when the crew sits together me and Harry and always sit together and he will not leave the fact, when me and Harry fell asleep on next to each other when I rested my head on his chest and he rested his chin on top of my head. Gil will never leave that alone. there have not been one day when I haven't heard that story. It was the day uma left. I was upset my best friend was not coming back and I was worried about her and all the guards chasing after her and everything Harry I think felt the same way so we just talk until we fell asleep. But to everyone else it was something different. I was struck out of my thought when someone shouted me over from the counter I had been leaning on. I walked over look and the large man. He was a regular and had been the cause of most of my rants this week he was always rude to me and he never left as tip. I got to the table and sigh. The man had spilt all the alcohol and food on the table. He look down at the table then back up at me.

"What?!" I spat he was so rude i get this is the isle of the lost and everything and no one is kind but this dude was so annoying.

"Clean it up bitch" he growled trying to intimidate me. I was about to lose my temper with this man if uma was here she would have kicked him out and but no one care around her.

"No" I snapped tilting my head. The man look at me then looked around I wasn't sure what he was looking at and made the mistake of look the same direction as him. When I turned back to him. I was met with a handful of food that he had mush in his sweaty hands.

"What the hell man!" I shouted and the man just laughed. I smirked and summoned my cane that I had turned into a sword when I joined the pirate crew. I wiped the glop off my face then turned to the man. I placed the sword next to his thorough.

"Hey no swords in the shop" and man shouted. I snapped my head in his direction.

"You know what I have had enough" I shouted as the people in the shop stop talking and looked at me along with most of uma crew. "It is so pathetic how as soon as your beloved captain has gone you all turn into mopping depressed pirates." I shouted as the pirate looked down out of the corner of me eye I saw Harry and Gill enter the shop. This would be fun I thought to my self. I moved away from the man but my sword still hovered on his neck.

"Do you really think uma would be proud of you just drink your life's away waiting. I have been making the money around here no one is stealing to help the shop of repair the ship after those filthy Vk tricked us. Your captain would be ashamed of you all" I said walking on the tables around the shop so everyone could hear.

"So I want to try something different. Until uma comes back I'm in charge okay" I shouted. Some of the pirates cheered. I smiled to my self and carried on.

"We stick to uma's rules and uma's rules only but I give the orders" I pirate cheered. Harry walked up the table I was standing on.

"What hook!?" I asked looking down on him.

"You can't just take over" he snapped. I lowered my self and sat the table. Harry moved the stand between my legs.

"I'm not talking over I'm just helping everyone fear us again. We suck Harry we do! Are captains gone who knows when she getting back she may never come back." I said looking into his eyes.

"But what makes you think you could lead us" Harry said leaning down and resting his hands either side on me.

"I lead all the shadows on the isle okay I think I can leaded some mopey pirates till they get back on there feet" I said.

"I could lead" Harry said looking into my eyes know

"No" I said plainly

"Why not" he questioned getting annoyed by my answer

"Your howl life in this crew you have followed orders from uma never gone against her word everything you steal goes to her even though be both know you want it you have never made and order" I whispered into his ear. Harry shivered and looked up at me. He turned around and nodded to Gil to opened the door.

"Everyone out we are closed orders of your new captain" he shouted. Harry turned to me and held my hand up in the sky to show everyone I was the new captain. Well until uma came back. Harry helped me off the table and we walked over to the man that had thrown food at me a few minutes ago.

"If I ever see you around my captain again I will hook you. Got it" Harry snarled at the man. I removed my sword and placed it back in the sword rack. The man nodded his head and ran out the door.

"I can't believe you let me be captain" I said to harry.

"well you maybe right about uma no one has seen her may never come back for us and that makes me first mate" Harry smirked.

"Who said you could be my first mate" i said smirking back.

"I can see it in your eyes that you need me" Harry said looking into my eyes

"Well on that note first mate, see you tomorrow" I said nudging his hat before walking out the back to see Ursula.

"You guy like each other so much" Gil smiled. Harry scoffed and walked out the back Gil following closely.

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