chapter 2 - VK day

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It had been about 3 weeks since I had become captain and the crew was back on there feet. me however things where going down hill. Ursula was demanding I work longer hour and that I should be turning in way more cash than I am now.

I walked into the chip shop and all eyes say on me.

"What" I asked and all eyes left and went back to what they were doing. I saw Harry and Gil still staring at me from the far table they had claimed at there's. I walked over to the table and sighed leaning against it.

"What happened to you" Gil asked. I yawned and sat down next to Harry.

"I haven't had like any sleep all week" I said resting my head against Harry's shoulder. Harry moved my hair from out of my face with his hook. And sighed

"What troubling you lass" Harry asked with genuine concern. harry and me had definitely grown closer over the last few week. We had stopped fight so much and instead we have just enjoyed each others company and for Gil this was amazing he was the number one shipper of the isle. Well that's what he told us.

"Ursula is making me do extra shifts and work hard when I'm not work at the chip shop them I'm out stealing more money or collecting money off you guys." I sighed i was so tired This week Ursula had made me stay in the shop every hour of the day she hadn't let me go to the ship she had me working every second. Harry moved so I could be more comfortable. My back was know leaning on his chest and his arms were around my wait and his hands on my lap. I fiddled with his hook and fingers trying to clam my self for the day of work ahead.

"Lass I'm sure Gil could do a few hour work while you sleep" Harry said looking at Gil nodding. Gil nodded back and smiled

"Yeah I could help I can do a hour shift then go out and steal somethings" he smiled. I squeezed Harry hand to signal I agreed with the plan. I was so tired I couldn't even talk. I was pretty sure that Gil had left to steal things when I woke up. Someone was shouted things at someone something about being chosen for something. I sighed and moved around a bit. Harry grip on my wait tighten when I moved. I looked up at harry and caught his attention.

"Sorry lass I thought you were having a nightmare again" Harry was the only one I told about my nightmare and he knew they got worse when I didn't have good sleep. The nightmare was about a girl that want Auradon for herself but she was tricked into going evil and everything was doomed even the isle. I wasn't sure why I was worried about this dream I didn't care what happened in Auradon but it felt like I was seeing things like into the future maybe but I brushed it off and just tried to forget about it.

"No I'm okay. Just those idiot yelling woke me up" I said Harry rested his chin on top of my head while I sat between his legs my back still on his chest and his arms still tightly wrapped around me waist. We carried on talking until the shop door burst open. It was Gil he was holding what seemed to be a poster. He ran up to me and was breathing heavily.

"Spit it out Gil" I said sitting up straight. Gil sighed and handed me the poster. It was a picture of mal and the worlds 'Vk day' written on it.

"What is Vk day" I asked the crew while getting up and walking over to the middle of the room Harry hot on my tail.

"Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos are choosing 4 villain kids to take with them to Auradon" a crew member shouted.

"What!" I snapped. What was happening why were they taking more villains over.

"You have to fill in a form and things to see if you can be chosen they come this afternoon to choose the new Vks" a customer said walking past. I was about to explode with anger when Harry rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Breathe" he whispered.

"Everyone I want you to watch this Vk day. If they are coming to get some more Vks they will be young ones and those kids will want to see there parents so watch who they choose okay" I said looking at the crew.

A few yes captain came out of the crowd but no one moved.

"She said go" Harry yelled. The crew ran off to find hiding spots to watch the day from. I ran my hands thought my hair in frustration.

"Hey it going to be okay We can go watch and figure out a plan for when they come back next time which will be soon like you said" Harry said holding me.

"Harry do you think uma's dead if they are bringing more villains over then they must not be worried about her anymore." I said as Harry stroked my hair.

"I think She hiding lass if she gets caught in Auradon waters then she will be taken to jail then put back in here. She is waiting for the right time to come back. Do you not enjoy being the captain" Harry said looking at me.

"I do don't get me wrong but it doesn't feel the same without her she was the soul of this crew we are all just pathetic pirates now." I sighed I felt that if uma was to come back know she would be disappointed that the crew was not as fear as they were when she was around.

"Hey, I'm not a pathetic pirate." Harry said with a chuckle.

"I know that" I smiled

"I think uma would have wanted you to take control for a bit. I believe that you are going to get us off this isle okay you may need some help from your amazingly sexy first hand but that's okay" Harry smirked. I playfully hit his chest and backed away from the hug just to be pulled into the pirate side as we began to walk down the street.

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