chapter 3 - someone who cares

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We had found a spot in a hideout it looked deserted so we sat on the edge and watch the square. People started to gather around the steps. Screaming at mal and evie as they stood at the top of the entrances. then another group started screaming when Jay and Carlos stood in the middle of the steps. I rolled my eyes and leaned on Harry.

"This is so stupid" mal did a little speech but we were to far away to hear it. Soon the picking came. Evie picked dizzy, Jay pick one of smee's and then Carlos picked the other one so they wouldn't be separated. Mal called her one out and everyone cheers then I say her. Cilia walking out of the crowd and toward mal.

"What the hell" I shouted harry grabbed my hand and looked at me I wasn't sure where to look at him or cilia my step sister was about to leave for Auradon. Although We hated each other it was still hard to watch her leave.

"Look at my doll" Harry said calmly I did what he told me to and I looked into his eyes. I steadied my angry breathing and began to calm down when the screaming started. But this time it was not happy screaming it was scared screams. The purple milo had just crossed the border and the barrier was closing quick when hades jumped out and stuck his head thought the barrier. His hair instantly lit on fire blue flames his ember glowed. I look down in horror. Was he going to be killed by them. I worked for hades until cilia stole my job he was a nice guy he loved mal very much but just couldn't bring his self to see her when Maleficent was around. Mal turned into her dragon form. Everyone gasped when hades shot Jay, Ben and Carlos down with his ember. Hades them smirked at mal and directed his ember at mal. He began drawing power form the girl and she struggled in the air. After about a minute or two of fight mal blew hades back into the isle making his fall backwards. Me and Harry watched as hades got up and grumped back to his layer. The limo moved further and further away from the isle and was know completely gone. I was so angry. I thought she was evil I thought everyone was evil on the isle but no everyone wanted to go the Auradon. Harry sighed knowing I would be in a terrible mood. But who wouldn't be my step sister was in Auradon living the life with no plan of setting people from the isle free she was kid she wasn't Evil she wasn't forced to go by her father. The people of the isle were doomed uma was are only escape and she gone. I stood up and walked out the hide out I didn't stop when Gil and Harry shouted my name. I walked to my room on the ship it was next to Harry's and uma's. After a few minutes I heard a knock on my door.

"Harry I don't want to talk about okay I just want to be left alone I..." I stopped when I saw Harry standing there without his pirate hat and without his hook.

"Lass I know your anger and it makes me um.. upset to see you like this. Uma was my friend to and I know you and her were very close I want to make sure your okay. Please don't push me away" Harry said looking down at the floor.

"Harry" I said before I got cut off by Gil hugging me.

"I knew you wouldn't be mad if Harry talk to you" Gil said my smile dropped. This was planned this was just to stop me from being mad Harry didn't mean anything he just said and after uma disappeared I though I had just found someone that cares for me. But no.

"Both of you get out!" I shouted gil ran out of the room I looked at Harry how could he. He used uma knowing I had a weak spot for her.

"Lass" Harry began.

"No get out" I stopped him.

"You know how Gil is with us" Harry tried to explain.

"Get out!" I shouted. I was so angry I just wanted to be left alone. Harry reluctantly left and shut the door gently behind him. Was I falling for Harry why did I feel so upset that what he said wasn't true. He said that he care about my feeling and. No stop Harry just want to use me and tick me off his list of girls. Took my hair out of it plate and brushed though in front of the broken mirror I was just going to sleep this day off. Ursula wouldn't be happy that i hadn't be working but I'm sure Harry would make gil do my shift.

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