chapter 6 - duckling

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The boys plus me because Harry didn't want me to be alone while a witch was going around casting spells on people were on a mission to find Ben and the girl were look for clues. We walked through the woods while dude was on bens sent and Carlos was shouting his name. We stopped at a berry bush. Gil and Jay started talking about going adventuring while eating berry's. Harry grabbed my arm and grabbed me over to the boys.

"You guys make me sick" Harry snapped. Piercing a berry with his hook then moving it to my mouth. I took the berry and picked one for him tossing it in the air for him to catch in his mouth. We stepped back and I heard Jay and Gil talking about me and Harry.

"The won't admit it but I know they like each other they are like already a couple. Y/n doesn't trust him. He a very flirty pirate" Gil told Jay and Jay nodded. We followed dude until and beast jumped in front of me scaring me cause me to use my shadow to protect myself. Harry heard my scream first and turned around the beast ran at jay. After jay the beast turned to Harry but before the beast could get Harry you pushed him out the way. I held my arm and looked down when I felt liquid. The beast nails had caught me. I held it and hide as best I could.

Carlos calmed down the beast that was apparently ben. I guess it was one of the spells. Suddenly water was sprayed Ben in the faces. I turned to see a girl in a blue dress. She smiled at me. I turned back to Ben would looked like Ben. Harry turned to the girl and looked her up and down.

"Well, we'll, well, Harry hook and you my little duckling are ravishing." Harry said looking down at the girl. Carlos held the girls hand and told Harry to bake off and that she was taken.

"Y/n I'm so sorry" Ben said I tried to signal for him to stop but he didn't. "I couldn't stop is you arm okay. Oh my god your bleeding" I looked down at my arm there was know way in hiding there was blood all over my arm.

"Lass" Harry said making his was over to me. I used my good arm to stop him.

"Go look after you ravishing duckling" I snapped. Harry looked shocked. Carlos pulled out a bandage. Why on earth did he have that on him they have all gone so soft. I sighed when I saw Harry and Gil talking Harry had his head in his lap and Gil was trying to make him feel better.

"I get why you don't trust him but I can see that you like him" Jay said sitting down next to me on the log.

"Jay I don't know what to do every time I think is should let him in he does something like this. I so confused" I said looking down.

"You will figure it out okay I know you will" Jay said hugging me gently. Harry stomped over to us.

"Get off her jay she is mine" Harry said pushing jay off me.

"Harry!" I shouted he looked at me and I sighed. I hugged him. I felt his hands around my waist.

"I'm sorry I just.. i can't help it." Harry said into my hair.

"harry i don't get it..." I started but was cut off.

"...Let's go" Jay said pissed off at Harry. I let go of Harry but he pulled me into a hug again.

"I am really sorry I didn't mean it okay" Harry said looking at my arm the was in a bandage.

"I'm fine let's go" I said talking his hand walking with the rest of the group.

I saw cilia looking through the window at us. Everyone and mal and Ben hug uma hugs Harry but Harry pulls away and put me in fount of him with his hands around my waist.

Doug, Jane and Gil go to find the fairy godmother while the rest go the Audrey cottage. Jay burst into the room and runs upstairs when we don't see anyone. We all look around and see nothing there is a large sound  knock. Ben opened the little cupboard. And a boy with curly hair was sat on the floor. and jumps up when he see Ben. He grabbed Ben and I laugh as the boy felt his beard. The boy turned to me. Harry was talking to Jay about something. The boy walked up to me and looked me up on down.

"Well we're where you hiding all this time" the room went silent. Uma looked at harry then at the boy.

"Ummm" i really wasn't sure what to do in the situation.

"You are so beautiful. I'm chad. Chad charming" I felt Harry's presence behind me when chad said.

"Sorry chad but I'm not interested I have my eye on someone special" I said looking up to harry.

"Well if that doesn't work I'll be around" chad added. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist a held me tightly.

"I think it's going to work great" he smile. I smiled comfortably in his hold. Chad ran out the door and out of sight. We all walked out side and uma gave mal the ember and said something about how she can't wait for all the villian kids to experience this. Mal stopped walking as so did the rest of us.

Mal explain how it was her idea to shut down the program of bring kids over and how they were closing the barrier for good. I didn't know what to do uma started shouting at mal saying how much of a lier she was. Suddenly cilia grabbed the ember and threw it in the bird bath near. Mal screamed and grabbed it and began to try to ignite it. I looked down I really thought that she was going to set all the boys and girl that were trapped there go I thought she was better than this.

uma, me and Harry went to find Gil and go into hiding so we wouldn't be sent back to the isle.

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