Chapter 6: A Dramatic Chase

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Sophia and Kate had just crossed the border and were starting to relax, thinking they were out of danger. But their relief was short-lived. Suddenly, a black SUV with tinted windows screeched to a halt next to them. Two men in black suits and sunglasses jumped out of the car and approached them.

"Ms. Sophia Johnson and Ms. Kate Parker, you are under arrest," one of them said in a stern voice.

Sophia and Kate exchanged worried glances. They had been expecting trouble, but they didn't think it would come so soon.

"What are the charges?" Sophia asked, trying to stay calm.

"You'll find out soon enough," the other man said, grabbing Sophia by the arm.

Kate reacted quickly, punching the man in the face with all her strength. Sophia took advantage of the distraction and pulled away, grabbing Kate's hand and running as fast as they could.

The two men were hot on their heels, but Sophia and Kate were determined not to get caught. They ran through the streets, dodging pedestrians and cars, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Sophia remembered seeing a narrow alleyway just ahead and pulled Kate towards it. They ducked behind a dumpster and caught their breath.

"We have to keep moving," Kate said, looking around for an escape route.

Sophia nodded in agreement, and they took off again, weaving through the backstreets of the city. But their pursuers were relentless, and they were getting closer by the second.

They reached a dead-end alley with no escape. Sophia and Kate turned to face their captors, ready to fight.

But before they could make a move, a black helicopter appeared overhead, hovering menacingly above them.

A loudspeaker blared, "Surrender now, or we will use force."

Sophia and Kate had no choice but to put their hands up and wait for the inevitable. The two men in black suits caught up with them and handcuffed them, forcing them into the waiting helicopter.

Sophia and Kate looked at each other with fear and uncertainty. They had no idea what was in store for them now that they were in custody. All they knew was that their journey was far from over.

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