Chapter 16: Undercover mission

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Kate's heart was pounding as she snuck through the dark corridors of the lab, careful to avoid any security cameras or guards. She had managed to evade the scientist's henchmen and make it to the heart of the lab, where she hoped to find the memory thief.

She clutched her trusty lock-picking set, ready for any locked doors she might encounter. Her years of training in espionage had taught her how to move stealthily and stay alert, even in the most dangerous of situations.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of sneaking through the maze-like corridors, Kate came across a door with a keypad lock. She gritted her teeth and set to work, her nimble fingers quickly tapping out a sequence of numbers she had memorized from the scientist's notes.

With a satisfying beep, the lock disengaged, and Kate stepped into the room beyond. It was a small laboratory, filled with beakers of bubbling liquid and strange, glowing machines. In the center of the room, she saw a hooded figure hunched over a computer, their fingers flying over the keyboard.

Kate's heart raced as she approached the figure, her hand hovering over the pistol tucked into her waistband. As she drew closer, she saw that it was indeed the memory thief, their face obscured by the hood of their cloak.

"Who are you?" the thief demanded, their voice muffled by the hood.

"I'm here to stop you," Kate said, trying to keep her voice steady.

The thief scoffed. "You think you can stop me? I have the power to take and manipulate memories at will."

Kate's grip tightened on her pistol. "I'm not afraid of you," she said, taking a step forward. "Now, tell me where Sophia is."

The memory thief chuckled. "Ah, the missing girlfriend. She's safe, for now. But you, on the other hand..." The thief suddenly lunged at Kate, their fingers glowing with a strange energy.

Kate reacted quickly, pulling out her pistol and firing a shot that hit the thief's hand, causing them to drop a small device. Kate quickly snatched it up and pointed her pistol at the thief.

"Tell me how to reverse the memory loss, or I'll put a bullet in your head," Kate said, her voice cold.

The thief hesitated for a moment before relenting, explaining the steps necessary to reverse the memory loss. Kate quickly memorized them, then turned and fled the room, her heart pounding with adrenaline.

She had the information she needed to save Sophia, and nothing was going to stop her now.

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