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Seungmin walked into the English classroom, warmed slightly by the heater placed on a shelf nearby.

Despite loving to see his friends and enjoying what he did, he still hated going to the tall, office-looking building to train or learn English because it would wear him out by the end of the day. Not to mention his hate relationship with the morning.

When he saw his friend waving at him enthusiastically, at the corner of the room in his usual seat, he rolled his eyes but smiled and walked over, placing his bag beside him and sitting down.

"Hey, Innie," Seungmin said, taking out his phone and leaning and slightly slumping onto the hard backrest of his chair, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

"Hey, hyung." Said his friend Jeongin, who was now looking slightly excited for some reason.

"You look happier than usual?"

"No, I don't." Said Seungmin, rolling his eyes at his friend again. "You're the excited looking one here, mate."

"You wanna know why then?"

" 'course not."





"Oi! Careful hyung, snitches still exist."

"What? We're not in 3rd grade, Innie." Seungmin says, rolling his eyes for the third time today."We're not even in school,"

"Yeah. This is jail."

"You signed up for this yourself. Literally"

"Never thought the training would be worse than school," Jeongin says with a bored look. Seungmin sighs as he knew how difficult training was. Jeongin had told Seungmin about his troubles at school. How he was quite constantly bullied. And Seungmin knew that if he thought the training was worse, it was horrible. The room goes quiet as the teacher enters the room.


Hyunjin slowly walks toward his friend's house with his americano in hand, not wanting to get there as quickly anymore. Thoughts about the audition and being a trainee if he got accepted or if he got accepted at all were fighting for space in his mind. What if I don't get accepted? What will dad think of me? I said I would prove him wrong.

He was starting to walk faster unknowingly. His dad was against him becoming an idol. He'd wanted Hyunjin to become "something praiseworthy" as he would say. His mother on the other hand was very supportive. She'd argue with Hyunjin's father at times, saying this is good for Hyunjin and if it was what he wanted, even more so.

Hyunjin finally arrived at the building where his friend lives. He walked in through the lobby and to the elevator, pressing the button for floor 5 once he got in. The friend he was talking about wasn't exactly his friend. More of a classmate. Although he would hang around Hyunjin's friends from time to time.

Hyunjin rang the doorbell, still not out of his thoughts about JYPE and his parents but snapping out of it when the door opened, revealing his friend Felix looking like he just woke up, wearing a pair of pj's with his hair disheveled.

"Oh hi, Hyunjin. What're you doing here this early?" He asked, his voice raspy and deeper than usual. Proving more that he had just woken up.

"The project? I wanna get it done quickly so I get the rest of the weekend off." Hyunjin replied. "Alright. Come in then." Hyunjin followed Felix toward his living room. He'd only been here once before, for a party, so it looked different from what he remembered.

Like this ig:

Like this ig:

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"Sit down. I'll get my laptop and stuff." Felix gestured to the couch, walking into what Hyunjin assumed was his room.

Hyunjin felt his phone vibrating in his pocket and took it out, seeing a text

Yeji's "friend"

Yeji's "friend":
Been a while since we talked

Oh hey Ryu
Ye, it's been almost 2 months
What's up

Yeji's "friend":
My ceiling
Wait no Yeji's ceiling
Im back in LA😃

You live with Yeji?👁👄👁

Yeji's "friend":
Um ye we're roommates
And what's with the emojis?

Im at a friend's place
For a school project 😔
So ttyl

Yeji's "friend":
K bye then


"Who's that?" Felix was back in the room, he was setting his laptop and papers on the coffee table. "My friend. She was saying she just got to LA." Hyunjin giggled and curiosity rose in Felix. "Just a friend?" "pfft- whatever you're thinking, stop it. She's my cousin's friend and if my suspicions are correct, girlfriend" Hyunjin said, emphasizing "girl" Hyunjin giggled again.

"Oh sorry." Felix apologized, feeling embarrassed. "Sorry? Why? Don't be. I would've thought the same."

"Let's finish this then"


26th of February, 2023
6:23 PM
Around 769 words :)


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