Chapter 3: UA Entrance Exam

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In a big and massive room, thousands of students sit on their chairs as they waited for the instructor to start.

Katsuki and Izumi sit beside each other.

"Welcome to all of you to my live show! Everybody say... Heeey!" Present Mic shouted with a wide smile.

"Heeey!" Shouted Izumi with a wide smile herself but it seems she's the only who did so as the others kept quite.

"You're welcome, little listener! Alright! I'm gonna give you guys a run-down on how this'll go down! Are you ready? Yeahh!!!" Shouted Present Mic.

"Yeahh!!!" Yelled Izumi, all by herself once again.

"Now pay close attention, listeners! We'll be testing your skills by running a ten-minutes practice run at our replica city-district! You can take whatever you want! Everybody gather at the designated meeting area after the presentation, okay?!"


"Hey, quite down, will you? Anyway, what area are you?" Said Katsuki as he tug on Izumi's shirt.

"Mm? I think I'm city-d. You?"

"City-b. Either they purposely separated those from the same school or they decided it random. Well, it doesn't really matter... I'm positive we can pass this." Said Katsuki as he look back at Present Mic.

"We'll be putting a large number of villain bots over the battlefield! And they'll appear in three different varieties, with point values scaled according to difficulty! Using each of your individual quirks, dispatch as many villain bots as you can! Your goal, listeners, is to rack up a high score! And don't even think about attacking any other competitors or any of that nasty anti-hero stuff, that's against the rules, understand?!" Explained Present Mic as Izumi yelled "Yes sir!" much to his happiness that someone finally respond to him after so many years.

"Nex-" About to say Present Mic but a voice cut him off.

"Excuse me! May I ask a question?!" A student with blue hair and glasses shouted as he raised his hand.

"Oh? Go ahead." Present Mic said.

"On the hand out, there are clearly four types of villain bots that are listed! But you only showed the three bots on the presentation! Such an error would be an embarrassment to a top-tier national academy like UA! The reason we are here today is because we seek guidance toward the path of becoming model heroes!" The blue hair with glasses student shout as he then turn around and point at Izumi, much to her confusion and Katsuki's annoyance.

"Moreover, what's with you?! Why do you keep on yelling and interrupting the instructor?! If you're here to play around then I advise you to leave! UA doesn't need disrespectful student's like you!" He continued.

"Bastard..." Mutter Katsuki as he gritted his teeth in anger but remained on his chair as he knows Izumi can handle this herself.

"Well... I'm sorry if my yelling interrupted any of you or if it makes me looks like I'm here to play around. I just want to said that... I am here to become a Hero and most of all, to experience a great and fun High School life! Besides, I don't think I'm being disrespectful at all. Isn't it common courtesy for a student to respond when their teacher or instructor asked? In fact, I am giving respect to Present Mic by responding to him, unlike any of you here, who decided to stay quite and act like someone's not talking to you." Said Izumi with a confident smiled as the glasses student was taken aback.

"And if it's just me yelling you have a problem about... Then do you also have a problem against Present Mic? As far as I know, he's shouting is much more louder than mine's..." Said Izumi with smile.

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