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6 years later , i'm now walking on my lobby, i own a company, i went to my office then sitted on the chair, anna came, she's my secretary, funny right?, hey elsa! , i mean......, ma'am....., mr. North said that you would meet up with him in his office..... anna said, mr. North is the main manager of mer and me's company, also other managers, like hic, eugene and........ jack....., he's on that 3rd floor, i'm on the 5th floor, rap's on the 6th floor, hic's on the 2nd floor, eugene's on the 6th floor also, north's on the 8th floor, all of the floors is belonged to north, when i saw jack, i always ignored him, he never spoke to me like we never met, i stayed silent, i grabbed my phone from my sky blue purse with snowflakes designs, i felt sadness in my heart, i saw a picture of jack, i looked downcast, still staring at my phone, i miss him, i sighed sadly, elsa? , please stop....., you're making me worry..... anna said sadly, there's no need to worry...... i said still looking downcast, elsa! , i don't like you being this way! Anna said getting a little angry, anna....., please....., enough of this..... i said rubbing my forehead still looking downcast, seriously elsa! , i don't like you being this way! , you have to let it go!!!! She shouted, i rubbed my shoulders, enough anna....... i said angrily, elsa, why can't you just forget that!, it's been 6 years! , don't tell me you still remember ja~ i cutted her off, i said enough!!!, i don't want to hear that name ever again!!!! , UNDERSTAND!!!! I shouted slamming my hand on the table, elsa? She ask fear in her eyes, i sighed, i rubbed my temples, i'm sorry anna......, i just want to forget this..... i said, she nodded, then left the room, i grabbed my phone, i opened it, i opened my facebook app, i looked at the news feed, i saw him in a picture with a...... girl....., it say, " me and my wife happy together..... ", i closed my phone, tears where falling down my cheek, rap entered my office, rap owns a company too, she saw me crying, elsa, you can't believe what just happened! , on facebook, ja- why are you crying? She asked, rap is married to eugene, they were so lucky, my life was a little horrible, it's okay rap....., i already saw it..... i said whipping my tears, YOU SAW IT?! AND I CAN'T BELIEVE HIM!!!!! , HE LEFT YOU, JUST BECAUSE OF A GIRL?!, i mean...., What the? , THAT'S IT!!!! , I'M GOING TO HIT HIM WITH A FRYING PAN!!!!! She said in anger, she pulled a frying pan out of her purse, how did a frying pan fit in their?, when rap, me , mer and anna were kids, we always play, but when rap accidentally hitted anna with a frying pan on her head, rap never showed her frying pan again, she said it was a dangerous weapon, no need..... i said, i standed up, and i thought you said that you will never show that ever again? I ask, oh, yesterday, eugene and i were walking around the street, a rober suddenly appeared, luckily i brought my frying pan, i hitted him in the face, his face was full of blood, then i said " don't even think about robering me! , cause i've got the most dangerous weapon of the world!!!!! , i'm queen of the demons! * evil laugh * rap explained, i laughed when she said the queen of the demons part, oh north's calling you! She said, oh yeah! I said, i went to the elevator, i arrived at 8th floor, i went to his office, why did you call me? I ask, because i've notice that you improved very well...., so i decided to~ he was cutted off by someone, someone opened the door, i was quite shock, that person was...... jack....., am i late? He asked, his voice was still that same, no, mr. Frost..... north said, mr. North, you have a call...... his secretary said, i'll leave you two then....... he said, he exited the office, i crossed my arms, then turned around, jack was now facing my back, so......, how are you? He ask, why would he care about me? , he's just the same as the boys....., i ignored his question, are you married? He ask, i turned around, then glared at him, excuse me? I ask lifted an eyebrow, n-nothing...... he said rubbing his nape, before he could say something, someone opened the door, i thought it was mr. North, but turns out it was anna, oh, elsa, wanna go to chocolate kingdom and eat choc~ she cutted off herself, she crossed her arms, then glared at jack, look who finally showed up! She said with anger, it's already been years frost! , how are you doing with your wife? Anna ask, jack's eyes wided, w-wife? , n-no, that's ridicioulous! He said, then what's this? She ask holding her phone, i saw jack and a girl, it wasn't emma, but she looked familiar, oh.... , that...., elsa, i can ex~ i cutted him off, there's no need to explain....., i can't believe i fallen in love with you, you just left me for another girl! I said, i walked towards anna, jack grabbed my arm, i shooked my arm, he let go, i can't believe he has a wife! Anna said after leaving the office, life is horrible sometimes anna...., people like him will never gonna change....., especially him..... i said, don't worry elsa....., i'll never will allow him to break your heart again.... anna said putting her hand on my shoulder, let's eat chocolate! i said changing the subject, there's nothing that anna can't resist, chocolate, yum! , yum! , i want chocolate! , chocolate! anna said, we went to choclate kingdom, where chocolates were everywhere, oh elsa! , elsa! , elsa! , i want a chocolate cupcake! anna said, alright! i said, i ordered 1 chocolate cupcake for anna while me, i ordered 1chocolate milkshake, we sitted on a small table, i saw a couple, the guy was feeding chocolate hearts to the girl, i remember when jack and i were dating.....
* flash back *
me and jack were in chocolate kingdom, my favorite chocolate sweet shop, say aah! jack said, i opened my mouth and closed my eyes, he putted a chocolate heart in my mouth, i closed my mouth, i felt something on my nose, i opened my eyes, i saw jack wiggling his nose to mine, i giggled, i love you.... i said, i love you too..... he replied, then kissed me, i kissed back.
* flash back ended *
i felt a tears rolling down my cheek, e-elsa? , you alright? anna ask, i-i'm fine...., flash backs are really making me cry.... i said whipping the tears, anna's phone ringed, hello? anna ask on the phone, is elsa their? a familiar voice ask, excuse me? , who are you? , are you stalking my sister? , answer me!!! anna ask angrily on the phone, it's me..., um...., jack? jack ask on the phone, my eyes wided, anna's jaw dropped, how did you know my phone number? anna ask, you my ex's sister..... jack replied, oh..., i know that...., what do you want? anna ask, is elsa there? jack ask, my eyes wided, anna looked at me with a " what should i say? " look, i quickly shooked my head, i gave her a " i'm going to the bathroom " look, she nodded,i rushed to the bathroom.
no.... i lied on the phone, ok, where are you? he ask, i'm in elsa's office! , elsa went out for her lunch break! i lied, ok, but first turn around! jack said then hunged up, i sat up, then slowly looked at the back, i saw jack crossing his arms, is this elsa's office? he ask, umm.... uhh...., h-hi jack...., i can explain? i said awkardly, where's elsa? he ask still crossing his arms, oh she's in the-, nevermind! , why should you care? , you have your wife! , why elsa? i ask getting a little angry, i just want to talk to elsa! he said, so?!, why talk to her? , you can't use my sister! i yelled, all of the people on the shop were staring at us, but i didn't bother, using? , i'm never even used her! jack yelled back, yes you are!, you can't trick my sister again! , if you wanna talk to her, you gotta get to me first! i said, weak.... he mumbled, i heard that! i yelled, so?! he yelled back, don't ever talk to my sister ever again! i yelled, i turned around crossing my arms, you can't tell me what to do! he said, i turned around with anger, yes i can! i yelled, no you can't! he yelled back, yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back, yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back, yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he
yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can!
i yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back,
yes i can! i yelled back, no you can't! he yelled back, that's it!!!!! i yelled, i grabbed his collar, i was about to punch him, but someone holded my wrist, i turned around then saw elsa with fear in her eyes, anna...., calm down.... she said, i let go of jack's collar, making him fall down on the floor, let's go! elsa said, i glared at jack, elsa and i exited the shop, why didn't you let me had him?! i ask angrily, anna...., he has a wife...., i'm gonna feel sorry for his wife if you punch him or kill him.... elsa explained, i sighed, we should get going.... she said then walked away i followed her, i'm just trying to protect my sister, i don't want elsa to feel in the past again.....
* flash back *
elsa was trapped in her room for 3 weeks, i knocked on the door of her room
* knock * * knock * elsa? , please i know your in there...., everyone has been asking where you've been...., please i'm trying to, that i'm here for you...., i just want you to let me in....., please have courage....., just forget about him....., what are you gonna do......? , have you forgotten who i am.......? i sang sadly, still no reply from elsa, i hope you forget about jack.....
* flash back ended *
i just want my sister to have a happy life.......

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