take a deep breath

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Getting back into the swing of things after having a high fever for 48 hours is harder than I expected it to be. Usually, returning to work after a sick day isn't difficult. But that was when nobody was there to look after me. This time around, Harry stayed with me for practically the entire two days while I was feeling under the weather. He made sure all of my needs were met, and offered to take me to the hospital over and over again. I passed on his offer everytime.

Being cozy in bed while Harry Styles lays next to you is a drastically different environment than the one at work. My parents were pissed, though. Coming home to see their daughter in bed with a boy was not something that's acceptable in their eyes. Even if I am twenty-four years old.

The hustle and bustle of the bar is something I'll never get used to, despite how many years I've been working here. Sometimes it's just... Too loud. I've lost count of how many times I've clocked out of a shift with a massive headache. It's becoming a constant thing at this point. The extremely dim lighting also doesn't help. My eyes are constantly having to adjust to a different level of brightness. If I could teleport to my bed right now, I would. Bonus points if Harry is by my side.

Was being sick worth it to get to sleep beside Harry? Absolutely.

"Hey, are you clocking out?" My coworker, Addie asks me.

I shake my head. "Nope. I'm working three hours of overtime today."

"Jesus, why?"

"Lila is coming in late. She needed someone to cover the first couple hours of her shift." A nervous feeling has been following me around all day long, so I'm thankful for the distraction that work provides. I already know the second I'm home, a major anxiety attack will come on. I'm not looking forward to it.

"I'm glad you're willing to do that."

"It'll give me extra tips." Extra tips means that I can afford to pay the bills this month. Without the additional cash, it guarantees that all of my money will be going towards bills, and not towards that and groceries. I have to pay for three people to be able to eat. Me, on the other hand... Well, I don't care if I get a meal. I just need to know that Lizzy and my parents aren't going hungry.

Today has been particularly slow at The Blooming Rose. Our regular flow of customers aren't here. Hell, even tourists aren't walking through the door. Picking up an extra three hours of work is pointless today, but it's already been determined that I'll be picking up the shift. I even already arranged for my nana to pick Lizzy up from school so I wasn't extremely late to do so. It sort of sucks, though. Working overtime is rare, and the one time I'm here for an extra three hours, customers are nonexistent. It's never slow.

During my shift, I can count the amount of drinks I've served one one hand. Tips are coming in slowly. I've only made a few pounds. My coworkers have made close to nothing as well.

Three hours go by insanely slowly. But thankfully, it's finally time for me to head home. Sluggishly, I walk out of the back exit, which is where the bike rack is located. I hop on and start pedaling home, despite having zero energy to do so. My eyes slip shut a few times during the first couple minutes of my ride. I'm just so tired. Not to mention my pounding head.

The wheels come dangerously close to oncoming traffic way too many times. But I continue my journey anyways. What other choice do I have? The sound of tires screeching makes my closing eyes shoot open.

"Matilda!" I freeze. I would recognize that voice from anywhere.


I glance next to my left, and I'm met with two pairs of green eyes that feel like home. Harry's facial features show nothing but concern as he scans my face.

Matilda: A Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now