bruised like violets

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Choosing to get that intimate with Harry was a life-changing experience. But I can't stay in that moment of bliss forever. It's been two weeks since that night. The best night of my entire life. Not because of the sex, despite how wonderful that was. Because of the way he held me, and took care of me. The bath he drew me was incredibly comforting. Not to mention the way he held me in his arms as we drifted off into a deep sleep.

These past fourteen days have been extremely fun. I met some of Harry's friends, and even visited a recording studio with him. I quickly learned that his friends are all very kind. Don't tell anyone, but there was one friend that was by far the most exciting to meet.

Twelve days ago:

"When is your friend getting here?" I ask, beginning to feel more and more nervous as time goes by. Surprises are not my favorite thing. Having a detailed, minute by minute plan is much more up my alley.

Harry laughs at my unnecessary nerves. "He should be here soon."

"He? Oh, I get to know pronouns now?"

"You sure do."

"You said that I've never met this person before?''

"You've technically seen them, but no, you have not met them." His words leave me wanting a deeper answer. I've never met this person, but I've seen them? What the fuck does that even mean? I rack my brain, trying to think of every possible person that could be coming over.

I sigh. I'm not able to think of anyone. "How long have you been friends with them?"

"I didn't realize this was an interrogation." Harry laughs. "But to answer your question, we've been friends for years. We met a long time ago."

"Okay, you're really confusing me here. I didn't know I've ever seen one of your friends."

"You're supposed to be confused, love. I told you that this is a surprise. I've been planning this for two days. Do you really want that to go to waste?''

"Two days isn't that long, H. I think you'll be fine."

"We'll be a fine line!" He sings.

"While you do have a beautiful voice, will you please stop quoting your own song and tell me who the hell is coming over?"

"Nope. Not doing that."

"You're mean.''

"You didn't seem to think so when I was fucking you earlier."

"Shut up."

"Not only did you let me take your virginity, you let me wreck that pretty little pussy again."

"Okay, I was present for that. I don't need a detailed description right now."

"You're right. We don't want our guest hearing us talk dirty, do we?"

"I don't know who the guest is, but I would assume not."

Harry shrugs. "While he would probably just laugh if he heard me saying that, it's better to be safe."

"Which is why we used a condom." I joke.

"Matilda." He warns. "I really do not want to have a hard-on when he arrives."

"Right. I'm sorry."

"Nothing to apologize for, love." 

A gentle knock comes from the front of the house, signaling that Harry's friend has arrived. Either that, or an Amazon package is being delivered. But I'm assuming it's his friend. Harry rises to his feet, walking to answer the door. He looks over his shoulder, his eyes staring straight into mine.

Matilda: A Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now