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"I'm clocking out." I announce to my coworkers. I worked three hours past my allotted hours today, leaving me extremely exhausted and sore. The bar was especially crowded, likely because it's Saturday, which is one of our busiest days.

As I'm walking out of the back entrance, I smile to myself as I remember where I'm headed- Harry's house. I love spending my days there. I know Lizzy is safe and sound at Nana's house, and she honestly prefers going there as often as possible. Harry and I might've only started dating three days ago, but it feels like we've known each other all of our lives. It's like the universe knew all along we were destined to be together. No matter how cheesy that sounds.

After securing my helmet, I take off towards Harry's house, going as fast as my old two wheels will allow. Parts of my bike are quite literally duck taped on in hopes of not having to buy replacements. My parents would never buy me a new ride, and I have more important things to spend my money on, so it'll have to do. If this bike ever does fall apart, I'll have to resort to getting everywhere by foot, which doesn't sound pleasant, but it's better than nothing.

Harry lives quite far away from my work, a forty five minute bike ride, or a twenty minute car ride. My legs always feel like jelly after riding the whole way there.

Speaking of Harry, he's been pretty distant today. My mind has been continuously skipping to conclusions, but I keep reminding myself that he's probably just busy. We just started dating three days ago, he can't hate me already, no matter how much my brain tries to convince me he does.

I pull up to my destination, hopping off of my bike and resting it against the side of the house. Harry lives in a private area, so I don't stress about the possibility of someone stealing it. Typically I'd never leave something that important outside without a lock, but he's constantly assuring me that nothing will happen.

The light knock surprisingly caught Harry's attention, the door instantly swinging open. The first thing I notice is his dilated, red eyes. I must've been standing there wondering what the hell is wrong for a while, because he waves his hand in front of my face.

"Matilda? Are you okay?"

"Are you okay?"


"Your eyes are so red! What happened?"

"Did you not see my latest text?" He questions, taking my hand and pulling me inside the house.

"No, I was biking." I remind him.

"Right. Well, I texted you that I was going to be smoking some weed."

"So the red eyes are nothing that requires medical attention?"

He shakes his head. "Nope. I do this often enough to know that it's completely normal."

I take a breath of relief. "That's good to know."

"I'd offer you some, but I'd rather not be high for that since you've never smoked before."

"Or we could just both be high."

"Wait until I'm sober, yeah? It'll be better for both of us that way. I promise you can give it a try sometime, but I want to be in the right headspace to help you in case you have a bad trip or something."

"Alright, fine."

"Why do you want to try it so bad?'' He asks, taking another hit.

I shrug. "It seems relaxing to have a completely clear mind."

"A clear mind isn't a guarantee when smoking weed, love. You could have different side effects. It could make you feel like you're about to pass out."

"Oh. I didn't know that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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