Chapter 3: A Hero's Deed

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As Max flew over a dirt highway, he spotted a group of criminals attacking a young boy. He quickly flew down to intervene, firing his weapons at the assailants and scaring them off. The boy, shaken and frightened, looked up at Max with a mixture of awe and fear.

Max landed and tried to communicate with the boy, but the boy was speaking a language that Max didn't understand. He made gestures and tried to show that he meant no harm, but the boy continued to look at him with suspicion.

After a while, Max tried speaking to the boy in English, which he had used in his previous life. To his surprise, the boy understood him and replied in broken English.

"Who are you?" the boy asked.

"I am Max," he replied. "I'm here to help."

The boy looked at him skeptically. "Why do you help me?" he asked.

"Because it's the right thing to do," Max said. "No one deserves to be attacked like that."

The boy looked at Max for a moment, then nodded in understanding. They talked for a while, with Max explaining his situation and the boy telling him about his village and the dangers that lurked in the surrounding forests.

When it was time for them to part ways, the boy was still somewhat scared but also grateful. Max could tell that he had made an impact, and it made him feel good to know that he was able to help someone in need.

As he flew away, Max couldn't help but wonder about the many challenges he would face in this new world, and the many lives he would touch along the way. He knew that there was a lot more to discover and learn, and he was ready to face it head-on.

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