Chapter 6

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  "Johnny, oh my gosh. It was so great," Taeyong said, excitement being prominent all over his face, body language, and voice.

  "Oh, your little date?"

  "Yeah, that. It was so much fun. We rode on his bike to the smoothie shop. He even paid for the both of us. He was a gentleman and everything. What if I'm falling for him? Oh my, is it too soon?"

  "There is no 'if', Yong. You like him. And it's never too early."

  "Yeah, yeah. It's never too early," he repeated. Johnny smiled at his friend. He loved to see him happy. It filled his heart with joy.

  "Don't leave me though, Yong."

  "I won't," Taeyong said and gently hit his friend's shoulder. Johnny faked being hurt and held his arm.

  "You're so evil, Taeyong. How could you?" he whined.

  "No, Johnny. Was it too hard?" he said, playing along.

  "Yes, it needs a kiss."

  "No. Go ask someone else."

  "Ah, so mean, Taeyongie," he whined again. Taeyong rolled his eyes and dragged him to class. There were a few people there, but his eyes were set on a very specific person. "Someone's staring," Johnny whispered.

  "If you don't shut up, I'm going to have to hit you."

  "Aha! I knew you were mean," Johnny stated, but shut up once he felt a slap on his arm. "Ow."

  "Oh my gosh, he looked at me," Taeyong whispered while holding Johnny's arm. His grip tightened around his friend's arm as he felt his crush's eyes fall on him.

  "Fuck, you're hurting me, Tae."

  "Oh, sorry." Taeyong let go and sighed. "I think I'm going crazy. In my dream last night," he leaned into Johnny's ear to make sure nobody would hear and said, "we kissed a ton while watching a movie."

  "Wow, didn't know you'd be thinking about those types of things. A bit odd, Taeyong."

  "Oh, stop. Don't tease," he whined.

  Johnny smiled at him. "Fine, I won't. But you should go to your seat. Class is about to start."

  Taeyong nodded and made his way to his seat. "Good morning," Jaehyun greeted.


  "Yo-yo, we're almost done with our project. Isn't it amazing?"

  Taeyong smiled at him, "Yeah. It's pretty cool. Thanks to our hard work."

  "It hasn't even been long. We make a great team, huh?"

  "We do."

  "Wait, we need a team name. Yojam? Jamyo? Jaeyong? Oh my gosh, we're team Jaeyong."

  "Doesn't it sound like a ship name? Kind of like the ones that people would make in fourth grade," he said and lightly chuckled at the thought.

  "Yeah, it kind of does. But we're Jaeyong. Jaehyun and Taeyong."

  "Why does your name go first?"

  "Because I'm pretty sure that there's a student named Taehyun attending this school. I don't want him to think we're talking about him."

  "Then why not Taejae? Oh, nevermind. I can hear it now," he said with a scrunched-up face. In Jaehyun's honest opinion, it was adorable. But he was finding everything the boy did to be adorable recently.

  "Jaeyong it is, hm?"

  "Jaeyong it is," Taeyong said, giving into his crush's dumb name.

  "Think of this. Hypothetically, if we had a kid, would you allow me to name him Jaeyong?"

  "First of all, bold of you to assume I'd have your kid. Second, not in a million years."

  "You don't wanna have my kid? Why? You're a mix of beautiful and handsome. Perfection. Plus, you said that I'm attractive. We'd make a cute baby."

  "Hyun, we're both boys. We can't have a baby."

  "But if we could," Jaehyun said, raising a teasing eyebrow.

  "If we could, well," he blushed and tried to think of something. "That's embarrassing to think about."

  "Don't think about it too much, Tae. I was joking," he said with a chuckle. "Although, if the choice was presented, I would have your kid."

  "Okay, Valentine boy. Have my kid, but we are not naming him Jaeyong. Not even if it's a girl."

  "How'd you know I was gonna ask that?"

  "I can tell."

  "Wow, do you have husband telepathy?"

  "I'm not your husband."

  "But I'm having your kid, Taeyong. Don't just leave me to fend for myself," he dramatically said while sinking into his chair. There were a few turns of heads that made Taeyong's face heat up.

  "Jaehyun," he whispered, "quiet down. People will get the wrong idea."

  "There's no wrong idea. We're married, okay?" Jaehyun said, biting his lip to hide the smirk urging to reveal itself.

  Taeyong sighed and gave in, "Okay, I'm your husband. But if it's a boy, we're naming him Taeyang. And if it's a girl, we're naming her Yomin. Got it?"

  "Sir, yes, sir," Jaehyun said, sitting in his seat correctly to salute a giggling Taeyong. For some reason, it made the older feel warm inside. Sure, it was a friendly joke, but it was cute to him. He would gladly take the role of Jaehyun's husband. The playful banter meant a lot to him. And he wanted to hold onto that giddy feeling forever.

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