Chapter 9

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  "Taeyong, come taste this pie I made."

  Taeyong quickly trotted to the boy and looked at the pastry. "Wow, it looks delicious."

  "Have a taste," Jaehyun said and handed the spoon to Taeyong. The older boy grabbed it and took a bite out of the pie. Delicious was an understatement. It was the best thing he's ever tasted. He looked at Jaehyun and kissed him. "It's so good, J."

  "Is it? I'm glad," he said, chuckling.

  Taeyong looked at him and smiled. Gosh, he wanted to hold onto this feeling forever. Jaehyun also took a bite and smiled. He started humming while cleaning up the counters. That calming voice that he wanted to hear on repeat 'til the end of time. He loved it so much. "Jaehyun."

  The boy turned around and smiles at him. "Yeah?"

  "I love—"

    An alarm went off, which woke Taeyong up. "I swear I'm going to chuck this to the other side of the room one day. My patience is dying." He got up and did his usual morning routine. He went off to school, and the morning breeze filled the air around him. He breathed in to take the full scent and smiled. Everything seemed to be going his way recently.

  Walking into the school, he spotted Johnny conversing with his seatmate Taeil. He decided to fix up some things in his locker instead. He felt a presence behind him, but he shook it off. After he closed his locker and turned around, he jumped. "Suprised you didn't notice me."

  "Hyun, you scared me," he whined.

  Jaehyun chuckled, "You need a hug?" Taeyong blushed and slowly nodded. The taller boy wrapped his arms around his friend, who shyly hugged back. "Your hair smells like vanilla."

  "My shampoo is vanilla bean scented," he replied.

  "That's cute. It fits you." Taeyong blushed at the comment. After a few more seconds, Jaehyun let go, but not without one last tight squeeze. "Shall we go to class?"

  Taeyong nodded and walked with him. Ah, pure love. When he sat down with Jaehyun, another memory clicked. The window. He and his mom were window shopping, and he saw a handsome boy holding a bunch of clothes. He was probably shopping with the lady beside him, who was most likely his mom. They made eye contact for a second, just one. But that boy was Jaehyun. "From the window."


  Taeyong looked at the younger and shook his head. "Nothing, I was just thinking of something."

  "Ah, okay." Memories seemed to be coming back slowly. So Jaehyun wasn't just his dream boyfriend, but a boy he had encountered before.



  "Can I rest my head on your shoulder?" he shyly asked. Jaehyun smiled and nodded. So Taeyong did as he wished. Some people side-eyed them, but it didn't matter to Taeyong. He was getting close to Jaehyun. The boy of his dreams.

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