Chapter 1

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We just moved to my new city. I wasn't excited at all. I had to leave behind the town I knew so well. The friends I knew so well. I would have to make new friends but who would want to be friends with me? It took so long just to find my other friends and they didn't even like me. So much was going through my mind as I walked to my new school.

When I got there I was amazed. It was pretty big and it was so... clean. My other school was pretty small and kind of worn down. I feel out of place here already. I saw a bunch of other kids walking through the gate talking and laughing with their friends. It was odd though. They looked almost the same. They were alike. It's such a happy atmosphere. Way too happy for how I was feeling.

Then someone started walking through the gates that caught my eye. I suppose it was because she was so different. She had long black hair and she was not with anyone. Also because everyone moved out of her way looking disgusted and annoyed.

After watching a bunch of people walk through I decided I would stop standing there looking stupid and go into the school. I took a deep breath and stepped through the gate one foot stepping after the other. I guess I had stood there too long because the bell rang. I walked to the large building and went inside.

I saw a couple guys standing nearby the door talking. Before I had to think, I walked over to them, "Hey uh, do you guys know where the principal's office is?" They started laughing then one guy stepped forward. "I'm guessing you're new here?" I mean it was kind of obvious. Also why didn't he just tell me where it was? I didn't have the time. I'm not really big on the idea of being late on the first day at a new school. "Yeah, now can you tell me?" I tried not to sound annoyed. They kept whispering to each other and laughing. "Yeah sure go up the stairs to the second floor and the fourth door is your destination." He turned back around and started talking to his friends.

I walked to the stairs and slowly climbed up despite the fact I'm probably late to class. I got to the fourth door. A sign that said office was hanging above it. I knocked on the door because I was too afraid to just walk in. "Come in." I opened the door. The girl from earlier sitting in a chair across from a lady with blonde hair in a bun. "Hello dear, you must be our new student!" I nodded. "Alright I'll have my secretary print out your classes. You can just sit down in that chair over there." She pointed at a chair in the corner of the giant office. "Are you going to make her hear your lecture?" The girl from earlier said looking at me. I was right. She was different from everyone else. She had three piercings and was wearing a lot of makeup. Black makeup not skin tone based like everyone else's. "Yes I suppose she'll have to listen." The lady said glaring at her. "Sorry you'll have to listen to this dear. When you violate school rules you come here which is what has happened to her." She smiled at me awkwardly and turned her focus to the girl. "Cameron, this can't keep happening. You know the rules, this is the twenty-third time you've been here this month!" The girl rolled her eyes. "Well sorry Principal Abrams that I'm not perfect like all the other girls and guys." I guess that's the principal's name. "That's not the problem here! You're wearing way too much makeup and you ruined your school uniform and shoes!" I glanced at her outfit and shoes. Her shirt and skirt were black. Her shoes were a light gray and had a bunch of drawings on them. They looked cool. I dont get why that was against the school rules? "Whatever, I just made it look better." I realized this was my chance to make a friend and spoke up. "You know she's right." They both looked at me. The principal looked shocked and upset and Cameron was smiling. "What?" The principal frowned. I didn't want to say something that would get me in trouble but I really wanted a friend. I don't think detention is that bad anyway. "I said she's right, these uniforms are so plain and boring. She took the time and effort to make hers look good unlike whoever designed these." Principal Abrams scowled and stood up. "This is your first day, Paris, so I'll just give you a warning." She opened the door behind her and grabbed something and handed it to me. "Get to class. Cameron, you're excused." Cameron jumped up, grabbed her bag and walked out the door. I followed behind her.

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